
Wow, I have to say I'm surprised at this very harsh grade for what was imo a very solid MOTW episode (and it seems others on here agree).

The Cami/Kieran/Klaus stuff was just fantastic. I'm actually disappointed Kieran had to die, because I would have LOVED to see Stashwick get to play an unhinged crazy powerful vamp. You could see how much fun he was having with it. The show will miss Stashwick and his Father Kieran. Good actor.

Very disappointing episode. After the last few weeks were pretty enjoyable, I thought this was pretty much a return to Agents of ZZZZZ. Just boring and slow-moving.

I've been surprised about the backlash against that scene as well. I remember even reading the books I sort of did a quick doubletake, "Did he just non-chalantly rape her?". It's a little bit obscured by the text as its his own POV, but it was pretty clear that Cersei wanted nothing to do with him there, and he

well, the book is ambiguous, but it does seem as if Jaime raped her even in the books. She clearly says no at the start of it, not here, not now, but he goes ahead anyway. Then by the midway point she changes to like it.

I really wish the show had cast Strong Belwas. That scene with Daario was fine (and the new actor is a major improvement), but nothing he could do could match how awesome Strong Belwas was there. I just love how that was done in the books- Belwas was introduced as such a joke, to the point Dany was like "Who here is

Fortunately i don't think Enzo is going anywhere. Plec can't stop raving about him. He's basically become the best part of the show along with Matt and Caroline.

yeah, I can't decide who to side with on the Mary/Francis fight. Good job show. I feel like Francis is definitely right from just looking at it logically and not emotionally, but Mary definitely doesn't deserve to be locked in a tower. Also, Adelaide Kane just makes Mary too darn likable at times.

Those episodes seem like forever ago. I can barely remember. Wasn't Mary's kiss with Bash a response to Francis cheating on her? Not that it necessarily forgives her, but Francis "betrayed" Mary long before she "betrayed" him.

I actually haven't heard anything about it either. I just googled their 2 names and everything says they are best best friends who have been on several shows together.

This episode was made by two scenes for me. The first, as has been mentioned repeatedly, was the wonderful gag of being as happy as Jess watching Coach watching Winston yawn. That was just glorious. The first time with just Coach and Winston was perfect, then adding the second part with Jess watching that was

Yeah…this episode was just bad. Flat out. For one, I don't think Phoebe Tonkin is a good actor. Apparently she was very good at playing evil on the Secret Circle, but she just doesn't seem up to the task here. I seriously rolled my eyes when Klaus told her that line about being a queen. Hayley is just a terrible

This show has certainly improved exponentially over the past few episodes. Good stuff Shield, but then again this just makes the amazing crappiness of the first 15+ episodes all the more glaring and ridiculous. I realize they were hamstrung to a certain degree by having to wait for the events of the Winter Soldier,

I agree with your overall point re Scotland's weakness v. France's strength. However, in this case, I think Mary was certainly right. Like she said, that marriage contract was tantamount to France stealing Scotland, especially with a Mad King Henry in charge who could certainly stoop to having Mary killed. So I

oh, and yes Lola's fiance is definitely the Darkness or something like that. His reaction to her telling him the truth was not remotely normal. I can't wait until the later episode where he comes clean to her "Remember how you told me your secret…Yeah, I dress up in all black, file my teeth down, and feed on girls

Another great episode. Reign is on a roll.

I agree, and I'm gonna be so pissed when they do that. I'd hope even the Shield writers could realize Ward the hero is boring as hell and roundly hated by pretty much everyone (at least assuming that everyone= critics and comments that I read online lol).

This was definitely the best episode of the season. That being said, I'd still bump it down at least a full letter grade for the vomit-worthiness of that Skye/Ward scene.

This was my problem with the episode as well- It makes no sense for Mike to not take the job, but obviously since the show is called Suits he couldn't end up as an investment banker.

This was an A+ episode. I've been looking forward to this for weeks, ever since I saw the name was "Deathstroke", and like pretty much always on this fantastic show, it didn't fail to deliver.