
AI is going to be the next 3D movies. 

i feel insane saying this, but it doesnt seem that bad to me.

It’s a f***ing cartoon. Get over yourselves.

So by your logic, as an asexual person I should expect everybody knows this instinctively and thus should expect no one ever develops romantic or sexual feelings for me? It seems like the reasonable way to operate is to let people feel how they feel, and be polite to people if you have to rebuff them.

LOL, the BBC employs American journalists for their US reporting. You know, just like American journals employ British citizen for their UK bureaus. Not everything in the world is so tribal.

You’re a homophobic piece of shit.

Remind me when a straight person was killed by a queer for being straight that you think “respecting heterosexuality” is even remotely an issue in our society that needs to be addressed.

Shapeshifters kind of throw the labels we slap on relationships right out the window.

What are you gaining from claiming a person who is medically vulnerable didn’t die of the thing that obviously instigated their death?” Why does he have to be “gaining” something in order to have an opinion? Is this the world we live in now, where anyone who says anything must be trying to “gain” from it?

Guy’s 250+ years old. In that time he’s probably done every thrilling escapade imaginable, injected every drug ever created, and fucked anything that can give consent. At this point life itself is probably boring af for him. If sitting around waiting for Jean gives him some purpose in life, I can’t really judge him.

Only in America do we people such as yourself spouting off false information.  Turn off Faux News.

I don’t see how that applies to this situation as nobody involved is anything other than LGBTQ+. Wolverine is canonically Bi as he was in a throuple with Jean and Scott during the House of X era of comics that’s just now wrapping up. So I’m unsure of who you think is getting disrespected here? Morph? 

The US allows anyone and everyone in the world to cross our southern borders”


Your logic became really popular during the pandemic and I really don’t understand why people cling to it so strongly. If covid killed someone with a weakened immune system, they still died of covid. What are you gaining from claiming a person who is medically vulnerable didn’t die of the thing that obviously

Any spicy food (or anything that raised his heart rate, really) could have killed him.”

Sure.  And this one did.

The cause was the chip. Without the chip he would have not died. Not really misleading..

The US allows anyone and everyone in the world to cross our southern borders

You aren’t fooling anyone, just say you don’t like the gay black guy.

I have read differently. I have read that Doctor Who viewership on Disney+ is good.

Because it’s not “but does it cure cancer?” it’s more comparable to “but does it still cause cancer, like the previous version did?”
And yeah, it would be nice to find out if the new iphone still used slave-labor or if they fixed it with this new one, because it’s a genuine problem with the current one and really