
Genuinely curious, how is a parked car with a sign in the window any different from any other parked car? So long as it’s parked legally, what difference does it make to your life?

You sound like type of person who goes around with a tape measure to see if someone’s grass is too long so you can report it to an HOA you’re not even a member of. 

No clue what a public space means, eh.

They were all recalls, regardless of how the fix is applied.

Plenty of people, stop being a dick and look outside once in a while.

Did you read the article?  He used the sign after he was unable to get any buyers from his online ads.

Why wouldn’t you?  Takes like a minute to make (or $1 to buy and fill out) and would increase your chances of selling.  Last vehicle I sold, I used both online ads and a physical for sale sign.

Why do you "loath people who do this"?  I am legitimately curious and a little confused

I think we all know now what to expect from a Zach Snyder film by now: shiny spectacle; shallow characters, incoherent plot.

If I were to ever finance one of his ideas, I would want him to work closely with the visual designers and visual directors and stay away from the writer’s room and the head director’s chair. 

A tech blog isn’t allowed to report on negative aspects of technology? Or do those not exist?

The latter, though the article could definitely be more clear in expressing that.

Comparing a 5 season run of a full linear tv season to a 5 season run of 10 episodes a season streaming service is apples and oranges though. We should be talking about episode count not seasonal arcs when it comes to Lower Decks. Without the filler episodes there’s not a lot of time to breathe and adjust to the

No, no you bastards, LD deserves more than 5 seasons, DISCO GETS 5, LD deserves twice that!!!

Every time I come here and read some of the dumbest shit possible, I inevitably look at the user name and see that it’s you. So congratulations, I guess.

Your point doesn’t stand. You should actually read stuff rather than just getting your opinions from TikTok mate.

It makes perfect sense that someone with absolutely no understanding of false equivalency or context would completely and utterly get his facts wrong in their effort to “own the libs.” You people are truly sad. But always amusing.

Okay, so as you mentioned in subsequent posts, you confused Dan Schneider with Brian Peck. Those two creeps’ cases are very different. Dan Schneider was a very prominent executive producer at Nickelodeon who created a dozen shows for the channel over the course of two decades. Brian Peck was a freelance dialogue coach

This is a conservative, i.e. an animal, so knowing who or what they are trying to use as an example of whatever hypocrisy they are using at that moment to deflect their failures as a belief system isn’t important.

Are you confusing Disney with Nickelodeon? Because Disney doesn’t own Nickelodeon. Disney has nothing to do with Nickelodeon. Disney has their own kids channel called, get this, the Disney Channel. Nickelodeon is owned by Paramount.

Schneider’s never worked with Disney and never served time behind bars