
Pretty sure its part of Sister Sage’s plan to force a culture war. You know, the thing that was spelled out in Episode Two?

The tree on the left looks goofed up, too. I’m gonna assume they used AI to generate the background.

What in the AI-generated nonsense is going on with those clouds?

I think you have it backwards, a whole episode of The Last of Us was dedicated to a side character who was dead (and not really fleshed out) in the game.

I assumed they were blindfolds to block out his other senses so he could just focus on smell. You know, a thing that has happened in Star Wars before. Also something that pretentious people do to make food taste better or whatever.

He literally led them to Kelnacca’s house but ok.

Citation: my opinion since 2017 👍

I assumed they were using a USB to outlet power block. Didn’t realize that needed to be specified.

That animation is so ugly. WB is doing this the cheapest and least interesting way possible, which sucks because an animated Watchmen could be really good.

I got that part, I don’t understand why plugging it into the wall would electrocute someone.

2/3 of the sequels are good now, no nostalgia needed 👍

Such a beautiful book for such a deeply stupid movie.


Because plugging a mouse jiggler into an electrical socket seems like something a large corporation would tell people to do to help identify slackers from the smell.”

What messaging?

There are people who absolutely love the prequels. They were kids when they came out and so the prequel era is drenched in nostalgia.

Why would Jedi be the only religion/organization in the galaxy that know/use the Force? That’s such a dumb, limiting view of this mystical thing that exists in all living beings in this series.

Sounds like a skill issue with the remote. I liked it, though I do admit the new (though weirdly thick) remote is better.

Why would they kill Doctor Who now? Its one of the BBC’s key programs, even if viewing is down on traditional TV. I’m sure the iPlayer and Disney+ views are high. I know I started watching Who again because of the new Doctor and the fact that its easy to watch new episodes.

Really sucks because Soul, Luca, and Turning Red are three original and damn good films that got unceremoniously dumped on Disney+