

What did Disney say that has you pre-judging a show so hard?

Lol, bestie, what is going on with you? Are you ok? I’m genuinely concerned. As I said before, my issue was with the claim that Spielberg’s last hit was in 2005, which is not true. I’m not talking about quality of the film (I’ve already said Ready Player One was mid), I’m talking about the author’s faulty claim. I’ve

> claims to not be judging the show

Bad idea, and does nobody check the AI slop before they send it out the door? That cover photo is atrocious. What is going on with that little girl’s arm and legs?

But the sweating was commonly preceded by chills, headaches, severe exhaustion, and pain around the limbs and shoulders”

Can’t wait for them to sell to someone else.”

So you’re judging the show... based on the work of other writers and actors? That makes no sense.

Lol, so because you “heard” (from biased, negative reactionaries) that the show is bad its ok to be bigoted towards the cast and crew? Maybe take your own advice and just watch the thing and make up your own mind.

Right, so all the downvotes and “why no white guy?” comments on the Acolyte trailer are valid complaints and not racist bullshit? Lucasfilm should’ve ignored the intense wave of hatred being directed against the cast and crew for no reason other than bigotry? That didn’t work in the past, but maybe this time if they

What a convenient excuse you’ve created for people to continue to be racist and sexist towards the cast and crew of this show.

If you heard “don’t be racist” and got offended, then you need to do some serious soul-searching. The vitriol against this show in particular has been shocking. The damn thing isn’t even out yet, but so many people decided to be the absolute dregs of society.

Lol, what? You’re the one who keeps shifting what makes a hit or not. Even though Ready Player One was comparable to War of the Worlds, you claim it doesn’t count because compared to Infinity War, the 6th highest grossing movie of all time, it didn’t make much. Yeah, no shit. But $600 million isn’t a flop, either.

Comparing 2018 box office to 2005 box office doesn’t make sense because, like it or not, Marvel changed the game. For like 10 years they boosted theatres.

For what it’s worth, I went back and used an inflation calculator to compare the two movies: War of the Worlds (2005) and Ready Player One (2018).

Jeez louise, why are you so mad that over half a billion dollars at the box office would be considered a hit? Are you so blinded by your hatred of a pretty mid movie that you can’t even begrudgingly accept it was successful at the box office? What a weird hill to die on.

It’s because some of the protest footage came from him, apparently. No other reason. I don’t think anyone other than the editor was “associated” with him in that they found footage they liked and asked to use it.

Civil War was great. The discourse around it? Not so much. I never knew so many people only care about wikipedia plot summaries and lore infodumps. If you’re getting hung up on what “sides” are fighting, then you’ve missed the entire point of the movie.

Huh? So you admit the movie made a lot of money, but that somehow doesn’t count because... you didn’t like it?

Sure, I’m just saying that the claim his last summer hit was in 2005 is not true.