
The most recent whistleblowers were plenty plausible, but I think its more likely that the “alien” technology is just really advanced foreign technology.

It was leaked a couple months ago (along with another big spoiler which seems more and more likely)

I don’t think its meant to be a plot twist, but rather a reveal in the first two episodes.

The Rob Zombie movie was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, so hopefully this clears that incredibly low bar.

Musical interlude? Like, an intermission?

Netflix is gonna release a proshot of the play, yeah?

What does that even mean?

I absolutely hate this current cycle of “AI” and cannot wait for it to crash and burn. Its a stupid tech fad that needs to die quickly.

Ready Player One made over $600 million, that’s not exactly a flop.

I hate how fake and corporate the chatbot sounds. Its like a bad actor in one of those internal training videos corporations make you watch.

Did you reply to the wrong person, I never said that.

Huh? How does that at all apply to this scenario?

Your data is incomplete, and you aren’t providing sources for your quotes. 2.6 and 2.4 million is only the people who watched on linear TV, as in actually tuned in to BBC to watch at air time. It does not include Disney+ or iPlayer views (iPlayer will release views soon), so your argument is bs.

You can either advertise to me or charge me for a service. Not both.

Only Into Darkness was bad. Beyond was fantastic, and that first one really revitalized Trek. Like I said, I want at least 9 more Kelvin movies.

What is the issue? The ad is clearly saying you can do all those things on an iPad, all those different tools are combined (or crushed) into one device.

Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes was better than it had any right to be.

I genuinely don’t understand how Bluey has such a stranglehold on my late 20s/early 30s friends. None of them have kids! I watched an episode and it was... fine. It’s clearly a well written show for little kids, but what do all these millennials get out of it??

I love the Kelvin cast and would gladly watch a dozen movies with them.

The description of the telephot reads like it was written by a chatbot. Now we know the datasets training LLMs.