
Maybe its just me, but I don’t think predictive-text algorithms should be in charge of our healthcare

Or, hear me out, he parked his car in the same place he always parked it except it had a for sale sign in the window because he was... trying to sell it while actively using it.

The article literally says he tried but couldn’t sell the truck online. Did you skip the opening paragraph?

Chinese government maybe stealing data from American citizens: 😡

Then why are you using a word that was invented to get around perceived social media censorship? It just makes you look like a little baby who is too scared to say “bad” words like death, died, killed, suicide, etc. Its so childish and stupid.

WB is doing so poorly it has to memory-hole completed films and shows, it had to ruin HBO’s value by deleting original programming from the network and fire-saling it to FAST services, but the CEO responsible for these failures... gets a raise? If I was on the board I would be demanding his resignation immediately.

Is that director’s cut ever coming? I like Zack Snyder movies, not because they are good, but because I can turn my brain off and watch some modern heterosexual camp cinema. I don’t want to watch these movies twice, though.

Why does Miles look like he took way too many steroids?

I don’t know how to explain it other than it looks like they are moving at a higher frame rate than real humans. Its too fluid. Even before seeing the teeth, when I just saw the eyes on the header gif, I thought “that’s not a real person” and I was right.

I think they need to redefine “natural looking motion” if they think these videos look natural at all.

Didn’t they announce Liam Hemsworth like 3 years ago? But they haven’t even shot his seasons? I could’ve sworn his season already came out

If you want to look like a little baby who is too scared to say naughty words like “death” or “killed” or “suicide” then go ahead. The rest of us will be laughing at your stupid attempts to get around social media algorithms.

ultimately saving many more people than he carelessly unalived in Avengers.”

I know you specified “theatrical movie” but this would’ve been the perfect moment to plug the absolutely amazing Palm Springs!

The Stone/Parker/Lamar movie isn’t a musical.

began in July 2001, and concluded in September—throughout its three-year run”

I hope they take this bit to its natural conclusion and there is literally no event. People buy $44 tickets and get sent to an abandoned warehouse somewhere.

These all sound like slightly polished YTPs. Its clear that its just bits and pieces mashed together, with some jarringly bad edits at times, but mildly amusing. I really wish I had a button that could erase this tech permanently though.

I’ve been asking for a Lower Decks movie since season one!

Maybe its ending at Season Five because the characters will no longer be “Lower Decks” (I mean, they haven’t been since season 3, but now it’ll be official). Just give us a spin-off where they are in charge of their own ship and have to adjust to the new responsibilities while going on kooky adventures.