
I want them to release the original R-rated cut, dammit!

Why is anyone asking an AI to generate images of Nazis in the first place?

Its almost like its not a reliable source of anything and people should stop treating it like its smarter than a 3rd grader recapping a movie they watched two months ago.

Why is Google kow-towing to these racist dipshits? Why do people expect “historical accuracy” from an algorithm that can’t actually create or imagine things on its own? Everyone involved with this story is an idiot.

I don’t understand why someone smoking indoors would go viral though. I’m genuinely trying to figure out why this image became popular, the only notable thing about it is how shitty AI is (and should remain)

Must be nice to see Donald “Let’s Get Rid of Democracy Altogether” Trump and Joe “Maintain the Status Quo” Biden as just two old white guys. Must be nice to not have your literal personhood be up for the vote this fall.

What the hell are you talking about? Every single one of those hands is fucked up.

Why did this “go viral?” Like, what is special about this AI slop that people felt like they had to share it?

Ghostbusters: Afterlife was one of the worst films, especially for a legacy sequel, that I had seen in a long time. I have zero faith that this one will be any better.

Why are law firms and news organizations using AI instead of actual, real, resources? This is exactly what I’m talking about.

Exactly, the robot is clearly way behind where Musky wanted it to be but he can’t admit that. He’s gotta keep the grift going!

What does that have to do with my comment?

The sky is too tall. Someone should do something about that.

The video isn’t completely fake. What he said, how he said it, and the fact that he’s in a car is 100% real.

Just use actual photos, not this algorithmically generated shit.

Why should this hurt everyone’s feelings?

This is so stupid. Google never should’ve bowed to these weirdos, and y’all shouldn’t be perpetuating this non-issue.

I can’t help but wonder what (better) stories these shows would be telling if TROS hadn’t shat the bed so spectacularly.

So are these balloons higher up than helicopters can fly? I don’t understand why they have to shoot it down, can’t they just grab it and figure out what it is?

Doesn’t Japan have stricter fair use laws (as in, none) than the US? As in, its easier to do parodies/homages/references in the US than Japan