
the Clone Wars animated series would air primarily from 2008-2014" is a weirdly worded sentence.

Lol, no she wasn’t

He played Spongebob in the Broadway musical.

Do the folks making up these Fantastic Four rumors know that actors can’t sign on to new projects until after the strike? Every name they throw out is obviously them just making shit up.

What does that have to do with what I said?

Pixar had already made Toy Story 2 long before Disney’s involvement.”

No one knew what it was about”

If it turns out to be Starkiller I’m done with Star Wars. We don’t need an over-powered Mary Sue videogame character coming back into canon.

I don’t think Max is short for Cinemax, I think its just their version of the “+” that every other streaming services uses. Otherwise there’d be a Cinemax tab or branding or something somewhere within the service itself.

It also said fewer CW series, fewer series sold to its platforms, and the 2022 release of its video game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.”

I want justice for his victims, but I do think it would be really funny if this is just a different guy.

Elsewhere, new photos from the set of House of the Dragon’s second season appear to reveal The Wall from Fire & Blood.”

I think she “felt embarrassed” as in he embarrassed her with those sexist remarks.

Girl Dinner can also be the most low-budget, thrown-together meal possible—think cooked pasta with butter and cheese or tortilla chips and shredded cheese (i.e. microwave nachos).”

I do not like that the O looks like its bouncing away. Its misaligned in a way that doesn’t read as intentional.

Why would Billy Dee Williams risk getting evicted from SAG-AFTRA by promoting an upcoming show during the strikes, something that the union forbids?

Secret Invasion’s whole first-episode season is available in full over on Disney+.”

“ ‘teens play with obviously evil magic thing until evil magic starts happening, then act shocked and scared’ as an entire premise is excruciating.”

Now this wasn’t some rando fan-casting the movie.”