
No, I don’t like a show taking established characters and turning them into something they aren’t just to force “character development” where the characters *still don’t act like themselves*

I’ve never seen One Piece, but I’m going to check out the live action version. The anime just seems so daunting at this point.

I have no interest in watching a show that forces beloved characters to be self-centered dicks just so they can maybe, eventually, possibly, over many episodes, slightly resemble the characters we know.

The world is dark, the characters are not. Its really not that hard to get. The Mystery Gang are good, sweet, wholesome kids in a capitalist nightmare. Velma just made them all assholes being assholes because eDgY

I feel bad for whoever gets cast. Those weird, hardcore Rick and Morty fans are gonna come after them.

But why did they have to tack such a hateful show onto Scooby-Doo? Just make your own damn series, don’t ruin the good name of some wholesome stoners who solve mysteries.

You’re right, I watched the first episode because I like to watch things and form my own opinion. Turns out it *is* bad! 

Is it fun for you, being such a big wet blanket?

The show itself is actually fairly good.”

Starlink itself tweeted that its services” ...are you going to finish that sentence?

The audience is not supposed to like or root for anyone on Succession, and no one does”

Interesting, I guess I don’t see anything particularly right-wing about the show’s politics. Some of the characters? Absolutely, but not the show’s. I wonder if folks just say the show is right-wing because of the setting?

Oh, I love it because its a truly bonkers soap opera. Also I’m from Montana and they film that show around where I used to live and sometimes I see people I know as extras!

The guy was a pedophile, does it really matter who portrays him?

Or who complain about grunting and sexual dialogue during a sex scene. What the heck did you think was going to happen?

pornographic phrases (“Let me see those titties”) and perverted grunting”

That sentence at the top really makes me think this was written by someone unfamiliar with human customs and games.

Yellowstone is for MAGA? Then why do I, a literal card-carrying member of the Democratic Socialists, love it?

Remember that game sardines you probably played as a child, where you’d hide for as long as possible, hoping to be the last one found so you’d win?”

I think you need to brush up on your queer history. We didn’t win our freedoms by conforming to what straight society considers “acceptable.”