
The first game, as in Jedi: Fallen Order? I’ve played it 3 times on my (launch edition) PS4 and never had problems outside of the fan sounding like a jet engine.

Wait, I thought PC games were always superior to console games no matter what?

In what world is Brigitte supposed to be a fat, overweight, or even slightly larger-than-average character? This feels like you wanted to talk about body diversity in video games but didn’t have any controversy to tie the point to.

When the bill takes effect in January, it will force creators and business owners across the state to make a difficult choice: abandon the app that has so enriched their lives and their businesses or sidestep the law and continue using TikTok in a state of anxious legal uncertainty”

small and family-owned business, often portrayed as the bedrock of the American economy, are often racist, bigoted, and generally horrible to people who don’t align to their views.”

I can “support” a massive corporation suing a fascist without giving them money. Empty consumerism is not social justice.

What the fuck are you talking about?

boneheaded “bump” hardware design”

Bitch, google is free

Dragon Age: Inquisition, Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey, Cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim, Fallout, GTA V, The Sims...

As a gay man myself, being a trans ally is not “anti-woman, anti-homosexual, anti-feminist”

In 27 US states, it is legal to fire or deny housing to someone based on their sexuality or gender identity. Maybe let’s start there?

You are a sad and hateful little individual. I hope you get the help you desperately need.

1. Ten cents

Did he legally have to comply with the Pinkerton agents? Couldn’t he have just... not let them into his house.

No, it is a difference. Concept art are not storyboards.

Ahkshully, the robots are not only over a thousand years old, but are from a time that the humans in the game don’t know about. Literally pre-history for them.

I fully agree. I think as a short digital diorama its fine, but would be absolutely horrendous to play as a full game

The concept art during the credits aren’t storyboards. They aren’t used to map out specific shots and special effects on the day of shooting, they are used as first visualization of the script to help convey tone and story long before the actual shots and VFX have been assembled.

The concept art is almost always different from what we actually see in the episode.