
I’m still annoyed we’ve yet to see 1602 Spider-Man. I need my ruffled collar Spidey, dammit!

Why the hell is anyone still on twitter?

Wait, Legendary was cancelled??? How the hell did I miss that.

Seconded. I have no clue where the Inheritors are supposed to be in this trailer.

Does Nothing pay for all these articles? Gizmodo is the only outlet I ever see talk about them, which is weird for a company that you’ve even admitted makes sub-par products.

Only Koboh, the hub world, is open-world. 

Let me guess, you saw one tweet where someone was mad and decided to write a whole-ass article on this shitty take?

The reason why? Its not his story.

items you’d get by progressing through the campaign or *purchasing from the marketplace* must still be acquired via these means.”

That’s because she was describing Fury Road with that quote...

we are a couple of weeks away from the release”

The PS5 is three years old. Its totally fine for games and DLC to not be on last-gen hardware. Can we stop complaining when new games aren’t on PS4 please?

Can someone explain to me as if I were a very stupid baby, why and how this is even possible? How does one judge have that much power over something so beneficial and harmless as preventative care? And why do Republicans want it gone so bad when they benefit too?

Makes you wonder what the original plants, before humans bred and crossbred them to create richer fruit or other agricultural benefits, sounded like.

Unalived on the Asian Express

I thought this was going to be a case of fans getting upset over nothing, but that article is so mean spirited. Despite the nasty tone, there was some stuff that was mentioned that I would be interested in hearing more about, and could almost envision a better profile written by someone who didn’t have a ginormous

Aw, that’s a very sweet way to end Ash’s story. I teared up at that clip.

quit wasting taxpayer money on this lobbyist pushed failure.” Oh boy, wait until you find out how SpaceX got its NASA contract...

I think they’re building to Grogu speaking this season.

Ahmed Best deserves way more recognition for creating the first CGI motion capture character. He was the original pioneer, but Andy Serkis seems to be the one who gets the credit.