
Ever since they stopped releasing demos (with the full Pokedex included for some reason) Pokemon games only leak within 5-12 days of the release. SwSh felt a bit sooner than that because someone got their hands on the strategy guide (and a massive lawsuit from Nintendo). Its likely we’ll keep getting a few screenshots

I liked Beauty & the Beast but only for the new Alan Menken songs.

I’ve been on Tumblr since 2010 and while those early days were wild and fun, I kind of like it in this post-making-Yahoo/Verizon-lose-$1 billion era. Especially now that we have Blaze and can pay to make people see our shitposts? Perfection, back to the PvP zone of Tumblr’s heyday.

I don’t hate Dahmer because its offensive or “too soon” or whatever. I hate Dahmer because Ryan Murphy is the most over-rated, over-valued person working in TV today. He hasn’t been good since 2010, and yet he’s still tricked a whole lot of people into thinking his work is “deep” or “edgy” or “satirical” or whatever


AMC+ had her finale up day-of! Other than that, you basically had to bounce between AMC+ and HBOMax and hold your breath.

The game isn’t free-to-play.

And now storms can roll in whenever”

revisionist takes on canon events”

Wait, when did they change the title for the Agatha series? 

I had no clue AMC+ was a week ahead. Thanks!

Isn’t this last week’s episode? Sunday’s was all about Claudia...

My parents did the opposite, but I’ve gone by my middle name my entire life.

Absolutely loved Halloween Kills, but hated Ends.

It’ll be interesting to see if her frenetic streaming videos appear in the game, too, and indeed whether there will be an attempt to localize them, or leave her voice in the original Japanese.”

Why is the “New Pokemon” section almost entirely legacy Pokemon?

No, I’ve played VRChat. That’s exactly what we should be striving for instead of this washed-out corporate paste.

If they hope to have any sort of massive metaverse userbase, they need to stop focusing on photorealism and reality-based avatars. I could not care less that they have legs n0w. Let me know when I can make my avatar Slimer (aka Onionhead) with Garfield’s face and Matt Berry’s voice; or a 10 foot tall sentient box of

Yeah yeah yeah, that Marvel stuff is interesting, but this the first I’m hearing about a third Hercule Poirot movie! AND its coming next year?!

Why is your name your domain? Isn’t it usually the other way around: name@work.com?