Yeah, bringing in Arians usually has the opposite effect.
Yeah, bringing in Arians usually has the opposite effect.
Your logic is infallible - we hereby award you the Arizona Cardinals.
After reading these for the last 6-7 seasons, I’m convinced that it’s the same five guys, then a few people who just want to get a letter in WYTS motherfucking everything.
And not wrong about the lack of emails. Got to the last and thought “that’s it?”
Arians is a great coach but he is delegating more than Trump, and to people who are about as competent as Stephen Miller but with less racism.
The Bucs suck so blandly they aren’t even the worst run pirate-themed NFL team to have hired Jon Gruden.
I can hardly wait the next big article in two months about how much good old Jameis has grown and shown maturity in his role.
The Bucs changing their jerseys wasn’t as bad as hooking themselves to Jameis, but it wasn’t THAT far behind. They had probably the best look in football, one that was completely and uniquely theirs, and now they look like what an 8-year-old would cook up on Madden Create A Team. It’s so sad.
Yes please, bring back the creamcicle unis
Didn’t get a chance to email in my feelings about my krewe, so here’s my take.
I wasn’t a big football fan in 1994 but I played a lot of Madden ‘94. My chief takeaway from that game, accurate or not, was that the Bucs were god-awful and it was a lot of fun to play as them while beating up on the computer, thus demonstrating my superior Madden skills.
I remember when I first saw Fitzpatrick in that outfit I couldn’t figure out why Connor McGregor was giving a press conference for the Bucs
Reminds me of Hardball on the Commodore 64. If you put a position player in as a pitcher, his pitch selection was “Fat Pitch, Fat Pitch, Fat Pitch, Fat Pitch.”
Severino: [puts down #1 sign]
Why don’t they make the whole plane out of slow pitches?
It’s also neat that he’s the first player to start a game and earn the save.
“After the O’s used nine actual, professional pitchers”