
Everything mentioned is outlandish and disgusting behavior, but:

Remember when police officers would come to school as part of the DARE program? This is the kind of CP they warned us about.

I don’t know man, maybe GeneralButtocks has a point. Why should teams let cheerleaders go to a restaurant of their choosing? They’re already doing them a favor by paying them money and letting them out of the kitchen. Next thing you know, the cheerleaders will want rights as human beings! What then would the world

Today I learned that even in this troubling time, the Notorious RGB can still be wrong. 

My big problem with German restaurants these days is the lack of a wienerschnitzel. In before Austrian vs German, by the way. The point is that veal is the superior meat for a schnitzel, and that chicken or pork is generally undesirable to the point where I’d rather cook it myself. I do appreciate the beer selection

I’ve never been to a monster truck event before, but this actually sounds really cool!

I’m not sure why it’s not linked in the article, by Alanis from Jalopnik got to drive the Megalodon truck pictured above last month:

I couldn’t finish it. Rongen sounds like a bit of a dick (no more or less than most of the talking heads on ESPN), but Billy’s acting like his own mother was insulted.

Wrong color and it hasn’t been involved in any low-speed pursuits in LA. CP.

The one the Tokyo Olympics needs and wants is a pistol-slinging, fencing foil-wielding centaur.

When asked why Papagiannis was cut, Divac replied, “I know a flop when I see one!”

It’s not the Jaguars Junction, it’s the Wizards hole-in-the-Wall!

We get something similar to the Supreme fries in the UK as well.

You have a scroll wheel - use it.

Never mind the call, Mike Gundy had the best reaction:

Related: I’m looking for canned pumpkin for pie in the UK (don’t judge me, I’m a grad student!) but can’t seem to find it. I’ve also left it a bit too late to order online - any Brits or UK-based expats know where I can get some by turkey day?

Correct. In this case, NRG is based in California, which is certainly not an “at-will” state. While I think firing Bateman was the correct call, he may (unfortunately) have a case against NRG for unlawful termination if the “zero tolerance policy” wasn’t actually in writing.

LA-born foodie currently based in the UK, here. I already like what I see (Hebrew National! Barbecue!), and would really like to be ungreyed :)

Promise I won’t be too snobbish!

Behold, corn and tuna pizza - popular in the UK. Still haven’t had the guts to try it since I moved here.

Nah, Patrick’s got this one right. What does OKC actually have going for it besides basketball? Bricktown is a terrible place to go out. It’s got a Civic Center that’s lucky to get a touring Broadway company for 3 shows a year. Half of the goddamn city shuts down on Sundays. Hell, even the couple of museums in the

Shameless plug for votes here but you should give yours to Oklahoma State because of...