
In early 2006, my mother came into by bedroom and watched me play World of Warcraft. Like most games, I offered to let her give it a shot. However, for the first time in my life, she actually agreed. I set her up with a new Night Elf hunter and taught her the controls. An hour later, she had gotten the hunter to level

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A Non-Exhaustive List Of Adequate Ringtones

Wow, a sports writer used the term “Jesus loon” to describe someone who is, in fact, a lunatic for Jesus. Your people must be so oppressed!

9/10 would drop acid at a festival with Leslie or any other Deadspin writer...except Drew.

This is excellent. I've been to therapy on and off throughout my undergraduate and graduate careers with lots of success. Often, I find that if I haven't gone in a while and I start having problems, I put off making an appointment.

Texas is what it was.

As a fellow Californian, I say go for it. If I had a dollar for every asshole in LA whose parking has fucked me over, I might actually be able to afford rent.

Nope, it is. You can be pro-Israel, pro-Palestinian, pro-2 state solution, pro-peace, and anti-BDS and be just fine. To completely reject the idea of a state of Israel is in fact antisemitism.

I lived in Oklahoma City for six years - can confirm.

And that's because, even in the 21st century, we are.

As an Oklahoma State alum, I'm mortified every time I see something bad happened at OSU. Then I get really excited at the Buckeyes making fools of themselves.

We can't let them get away with that, unless they promise to only take Oklahoma.

Can I join this newly-found best friend hype-train? I agree with all aforementioned comments.

If you're making jokes on Deadspin that require explanation, you're doing it wrong.

If, at any time in the future, my hypothetical fiancee demands that either of those songs be played at the wedding, it will be a dealbreaker.

Don't know if you have them in your part of the country, but Freebirds is my go-to burrito, followed by Qdoba.

I can totally second USS_Leviathan. I'm a graduate student working in a computer science lab on a project funded by DARPA. Our research is for ICUs in local hospitals.

"I told you, I learned everything I know from the upperclassmen on the team!"

We've just gotta believe!

I take pride in the fact that I helped to defeat kettle chips, even if this bracket was fucked from the start. SCORCHED EARTH POLICY TRIUMPHS.