
Too soon, too soon.

I literally do not understand what the review dislikes about the screenplay of this film. I mean, objectively it's phenomenal and I doubt I'd agree with the criticism, but I still don't have a firm grasp of what the criticism is. And I don't think the reviewer does, either.

Normally I would complain that you're all beating a horse that is far, far passed dead. But this is just too good. I have never gotten a larger smile of someone else's hilariously stupid, obnoxious, hatable, disgusting, terrible, horrible, despicable, insulting behavior.


Am I the only one absolutely terrified by the horrifying demon rat in that picture?

Welcome to the club!

It's the weirdest things playing any of his games, as parts of them are well written and enjoyable, while other parts are just terrible and inconsistent. You can really tell which parts David Cage wrote down in his dream journal and which parts were actually written.

Hm. Personally, I'm getting Louie-fatigue. Probably just me. I laughed a lot at some points of Oh My God, but not as much as I used to, not as much as I would've liked. Still on the top ten for me, but probably not in the top half.

Gotta say, considering recent game releases, I've been far too smug of a Wii U owner. Stop it video game industry! Make me angry again!

Dudeshoot: Shoot Dudes Who Shoot

Honestly, I rarely know why I even read reviews for most games, I always know exactly what it's going to be the conclusion, but at least Gameological keeps me smiling through the read. I already ordered the game anyway.

You should definitely look into it if you passed up a Wii. The Wii itself is not the… best of systems, but there are some fantastic games on it that are very much worth having, not the mention the Virtual Console. I personally recommend Pikmin 3, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (but be warned, it's a dangerous time-sink),

That's nice to hear. LC! has always been been the band to fill my "happy-go-lucky" quota, and Hello Sadness sorta let me down on that front. Maturing shouldn't necessarily mean becoming more sad and bitter, it's good to hear LC! understands that.

Read my comment again and then please inform me where I said voting is required. Want does not mean require, if that's what you're going on about.

Damn, no I'm not a doctor. Ya caught me. Whatever will I do. I'm not a probe or a pylon either, if that surprises you. Oh, and the humanity, I used the word "fucking!" My entire argument MUST be invalided!

So you think "I'm not racist, really guys, I have a black friend" is a legitimate excuse from then saying racist things? Huh. Also, do you honestly believe him? Do you honestly take anyone who starts with "I'm not racist" seriously?

So basically what you said is that the people that YOU do not think are fit to participate in the democratic process should be barred from the democratic process.

Truly the liberal media has no boundaries, no mercy, no dignity. Working cameras and mics that record what the inane racist shit the interviewee says?

Fox News has actual writers?

Oh Fox.