I bet if I offered him two and a half cases of beer he’d help me load it on my trailer.
I bet if I offered him two and a half cases of beer he’d help me load it on my trailer.
Anything that comes as a drophead.
By the time you put the shocks and linkages on it, you will have spent half the cost of a razr.
Maybe don’t ride 2 mph in the middle of the road, up a hill, on a windy road full of blind curves with no bike lane, and a speed limit of 40 mph.
I don’t look at FB. I look at Jalopnik (waaay too much).
Let me get this straight. This asshole works for his nice things by building companies and providing goods and services that people gladly pay him for and you go out of your way to shit on him. [Which is fair since, as I stated, he can be an asshole]
in this case bin it to win it
I would have thought he’d be better at turning left.
Putting NASCAR drivers on dirtbikes is more entertaining than NASCAR itself.
I think it could actually be good this year, especially with Nicky.
I’m not a pilot either. However, it appears as if the real culprit of the hard impact is gravity. If the earth had less mass the impact wouldn’t have been as severe.
The good news is Apple can’t stop the 80ms wait time, so even if they disable the auto delete the government is screwed anyway.
Note to Kanye: This is what rock stars do. This is fucking METAL!! You will never be as bad ass as this.
I’d fly metal class