Not necessarily related but seriously, fuck off.
Not necessarily related but seriously, fuck off.
Kudos for O’Neal for the Lodger pick. A great one that I will now go listen to.
What’s stupid is that car makers are fully capable of meeting the efficiency standards. Engines have become vastly more efficient over the decades. But instead of that translating to gains in mpg, it translates to gains in horsepower while mpg remains stagnant. Instead of stuffing another 100hp into a Ford family…
“They got to be three times bigger”
I feel like you need to wait more than 1.9 seasons after a team wins a championship before you can talk about them choking.
Famed climbers Marc-Andre Leclerc and Ryan Johnson are presumed dead nine days after disappearing in Alaska’s…
Shut your fucking Russian mouth
Write down their names and hang these motherfuckers when Trump falls and they try to pretend they never knew him. Hang each and every one of these traitors. In a public square. While we cheer.
Kennedy is responsible for three of the most important gay rights cases in US history. Had Bork been confirmed instead of him, gay sex and gay marriage would likely still be illegal.
“For whatever reason, for better or worse, she doesn’t seem to have that inner voice that says you can’t do it.” You mean a conscience, right?
I see how it is—when LeBron yells defensive coverages to his colleagues, he’s the best player of his era but when I yell offensive coverages to my co-workers I have to go to HR and explain that I was just quoting New York Times columnist, Quinn Norton.
If you care about the spirit of the law it was definitely offside. Kane was right there and definitely influenced Lovren’s rush to clear the ball and subsequent whiff.
The Eagles are undeniably the best football team in the world and have been more or less uninterrupted for the last five months.
Definitely my favourite James Taylor album.
Something Dems need to learn is that it is better to have a decent Republican from a deep-red district than a DINO.
Win or lose, the city of Philly will be operating under Purge laws from Sunday night into Monday
And the fact is, Brady is going to get PI/Holding calls and Bortles is not. It’s not fair. But Rodgers, Big Ben and Brees would have the same advantage.
Now let’s see the videos of Minnesota fans pretending to be nice to everybody, while insidiously mentioning the one thing their targets are secretly ashamed of.