

For girls with a shrinking thigh to waist ratio, the high hip-cut gives the optical illusion of a longer calf. Which in turn draws the eye to think the hip is higher, and thus the bulk (fat) is just not as pronounced. In the case of Miley, she lacks a rack, so playing the Katy “boob” game for audience attention will

I’m just here for the softball Clinton questions and made for NBC/CNN sound clips (including soft cues from the “Moderators”). I wish for the days of JFK vs. Nixon where people actually did ‘barefist’ political fighting on tv. Not this psudo Jerry Springer crap.

Turkish coffee and Italian espresso are made black. So is this article passive aggressive racism? This is important, I have a “trigger” day saved up and could use some spa time.

Karl is kind of a bon vivant and a bit of a trust fund kiddie so just read everything he says with about half a tin ear.

Someone needs to send this to Perry. Amazing, you even got the stress chords to match.

Traditionally you can use a song for public events if the message does not wreck the brand of the song. In those cases the ASCAP can wite a desist for artists, or usually the artist himself will sue the PAC/Poli and get it removed from the setlist.

Poor Jeb. This is just begging for an SNL sketchcom where Laura Bush is just off camera telling him where to stand like a kid on first day of school.

Yeah, that was our reaction too. The beer was much better.

Its called accounting dear. Put down the fucking tea and get back to reality. You are arguing for wealth confiscation which is not something our legal code condones. It was taxed once, at the creation by government ad valorem VAT taxes, then again when it became a wage/capital gain windfall. You can’t triple tax

Somewhere at in south Florida, Baaahbawa Walters is nodding in silent approval Jia. Maybe tomorrow she’ll remember what she was approving.

The meta is real. Well done girlfriend.

Can’t wait to see 10 adults bunfight against The Donald for our infotainment pleasure.

Do not laugh during the Trump stump. It’s the kiss of death to laugh in the press room. If you get really bored, try to get a selfie with every cutie at Bloomberg and WSJ politics.

“I can’t feel my face” & “staying alive” should be Obamacare mandated in 1 hour or longer jobs.

I feel this article could have used a triple entendre.

I think the typo is not so much a non-event as a viral satire movement which is showcasing just how transparently clueless the Hillary run has been to date.
Everything from the scooby van to the ghost written memoir (both) has been showboating and deflecting. Eventually, populations clue in on their own.

Protip: Take a sentence, run it through google translate into a language which is not germanic-> english. Wash it again. Post.

Nailed it. Wish indie journalism would take to task these faux organizations on a more consistent basis.

Does “be cool” involve recreating the Spanish Inquisition sketch? Because this should happen.