Its going to be a navel gazing, self referencing circle jerk that is going to be cancelled in 2 years.
Its going to be a navel gazing, self referencing circle jerk that is going to be cancelled in 2 years.
Alternative titles considered:
This casting choice will go the way of the FemGhostbusters. People do not like stories being altered, it belittles their intelligence and does not create anything new beyond “scandalous sexuality”.
Actually Rob Lowe sounds pretty normal by Hollywierd standards:
Right. And before Benghazi there was the Iran Affair. DNC sockpuppets (like you?) can manufacture opinion to discredit or dilute Benghazi’s effect on Consulate security practices & intelligence but it happened, and it changed US policy for the worse.
Gabrielle, I rarely speak up these days but I think this article would be classified as “fake news”. Can you please point out where he plagiarized ?
Unions are a ponzi scheme which steals workers savings for political agendas. They literally prey on the poorest and most at-risk voters by feeding them low information propaganda.
CNN was caught lying about the Iraq war. They were caught fabricating news articles in 2010 during the second financial crisis (“Taper Tantrum”), they were caught colluding with the HRC camp to isolate Bernie and later, smear Trump.
Its not that she wants to die but that her ledger is so Debited, she must run and win; same as FDR and LBJ, we are talking literal billions of USD worth of deals and promises which must be made due to her benefactors. Those promises are all verbal and should she not make it to the Oval Office and put each marker’s…
Traditionally one denies the rumor should it become a material & public event, which then throws off the share or share based transaction negotiations. Every sell-side shop believes at the moment Apple will likely take a run at McLaren or Lotus. Components and controllers internally have a large degree of overlap with…
Ugh. So many errors in this article I wish I actually had time to correct your record, bless your heart.
I’d love for a “First wives” update, but like 2016 Ghostbusters, do a twist:
Pippa’s proper title is “Boat girl”. Before Kate landed her Prince, both were (and to a degree still are) a part of the Ibiza to Monacco party girl circuit. Pip’s cocaine nose is up there with Leo’s for stories about glass blow. I literally can’t think of a single commodity desk in The City who has not seen her naked…
So feminism has devolved towards tribalism and supporting group think? What the fucking shit.... how is this remotely empowering.
When Area 51 gets Mew Two we know its all over
On a personal note, I hope before RBG dies, Wintour does a vanity article on her style and entire CV. Just to profile what a true badass she was and how she was an iconic leader on the SCOTUS. And how her robe is fucking awesome in ways Ms. Clooney can only dream of.
Its a bit racist to whitewash all arguments against Clinton. J’ust saying, chika.
Slam dunk article bobby. Go buy yourself a martini at 6pm.
Its either/or: