
Power suits need to come back, just to troll the fuck out of males in the next recession when pay gaps down to fem-pay.

It has nothing to do with the religion of the writer. Lowblow.

While Bill Maher is a well known sockpuppet which parodies or plays to the extremes he does bring up a strong question, and one that Jezza should wade into

Was just about to post this.

It's called playing to an audience. The whole cottage industry was kickstarted (back in the 1700's) by wives writing for each other. Same old, in reality? A mom who does 100% of an average 19 hour home labor day makes about 150,000/year in 2012 dollars if it were totally outsourced. Compared to a non-OECD

Given the propensity of lt.gov's and many junior Texan politicians to end up embroiled in some scandal in their first term, this guy has a statistical half-life of 2.8 years. Inbetween that time, treat it as a lesson in political Peter principle.

A huge fan of the recent advancement in material engineering & silhouetting being coaxed out of Dior & the main houses since 2010, I can only hope major thought leaders in fashion continue to push this trend vs. a return to the shitty 90's when last years dress can be refreshed by adding more garish color patterns to

While I miss the funny gifs, the rape, and those who think Rape is funny, have no place in a pro/semi-pro publication

I find it slightly sexist Dodai that Porsche (despite having a few strong women in the Porsche family) assume Trophy Wives who are only interested in a Hamptons runabout will be their demographic.

The reason why many (not just women) shift into PR or start in PR. Flexible work hours, failed Finance in first year, or found creativity in writing/market research over numerical exams.

Too early to say, HL 3 COnfirmed???

Actually this is really tame for a Ukranian sex tour (aka Bachelor party), and the guys got ripped off. Funny this made the blog thou.

you have made my day. Also, take my seafoam 5 inch heels, it's dangerous to go alone. I'm all out of master swords dear.

Yup, that is roughly worth $40 million in VC backing. ~~

A good piece. WWD and many other industrial publications pre-Lulu pantsgate questioned if there was any standards at all in reporting or how bloggers/independent websites separate their political/corporate cash flows from their editorial content control.

Hey Erin,

Hey, everyone wanted the US out of Iraq and said the USA was doing more harm than good sticking around. Everyone going back to McChrystal predicted a "surge" in insurgency as soon as Obama leaves.

I was shocked at how well it was done.

Yes, I remember NPH saying once that Godot was a serious inspiration for the show. Having the show be a flashback post-funeral for The Mother would pretty much have the same effect as the Godot ending has on the first audiences.

Fashion model hires sweatshop code monkey's to build a twitter knockoff that grants wishes.