

I sometimes wonder if every intelligent species is as in love with their reproductive organs as we are with ours. Maybe the ultimate form of first contact is sharing our dick-butt photos with each other and laughing at how messed up our HoneyDo arguments are vs. their social network.

1 word. Disney's Planes. Ok that's two, but you are bang on with where the animation & comic book industry is thinking.

Agree that match pairing theory can and does apply to a certain degree in self selecting class mates for homework detail but saying your friends selected via AP scores is a bit much.

I do not deny that Rape is a powerful tool, but what IS new is the glamour and escalating game of graphic or 'shock' depiction that is a new trend.

Idiotic RHINO talking about something she is bandwaggoning on, with the speaking points provided by Party Whip or Haaavhard PoliSci intern.

The bigger trend in mainstream media that should be viewed is what is with the rape theme for the past 2 years in 'premium tv'

Please say that big awesome hair and kick ass scarf's will be the new theme for the working white collar power gal in 2018. Biggest upset when watching Murphy Brown with mum in the 1980's was finding out nobody was that kick ass or go-go anymore circa 2010

Usually the wording is very carefully chosen. In the fun and messed up world of finance verbage is important for those fancy reaction function models. Often every statement of policy is field tested, trial ballooned and then walked over via Q&A to ensure that the response is not overreacted on.

What is roll call ?

ok, I'll bite:

The hope was that with a White/ Black colour palate, a new generation of fashion foward thinkers could develop or revitalize the potato sack using original takes on drape and frame volume. The last 15 years have largely been redo's on the same old designs with new prints or colour blocks. Minimalism was intended to

Some people wonder why L brands is losing their edge and "cool" with the skinny, rich girl bracket. The show's limited appeal or a unifying message in the theme of garments was disappointing. We get it, you guys like fluffy things and skinny white girls. But no theme in bra cuts, no theme in brief/thong lines or even

Aside from one of the twins recovering drug problem, both of them have turned out ok.

Ok I'll bite:

No. I really think you need to read the article linked and check out the DOH's original press release before you comment further.

Oh comon sister, after the constant pink washing of everything men are actually taking a small timid step towards celebrating male body awareness. Let's give them at least a token 1-hand clapping for at least trying. Who knows, maybe movember will create a greater awareness for why we freak out on lumps & bumps.

The silver lining is that

The photoshopping to Ms. Moss bod is pretty weak. Whoever is now the editor on that really needs to take a vacation, with no pay.

yes, but those adverts are being run as marketed segments. Those were done not as satire, but as campus hooks.