Satan's Advocate

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The only reason you’re saying there’s a link is because conservatives said there isn’t.

It’s so funny watching Americans with their hot takes on Pique when Shakira cheated on her last boyfriend WITH Pique. 

It’s amusing seeing commentary on the gay subtext of Nightmare on Elm Street 2 as if it was the reason it bombed. It would have bombed regardless. That movie was horrifically bad and not in a good way.  

Most people in the market for a $2K+ MBP aren’t going to be dissuaded by a, “you don’t need it” argument. 

This is Vancouver, BC to a tee. 

Had I really said that?

Glass stoves in particular are hit or miss. Every one I’ve come across just sucked. Between the constant on/off and the non-variable settings, I’d rather have induction. 

I’m more curious to see what happens with Porsche’s eFuel (water and carbon dioxide) .

The R35 GT-R does not care, though.

Daniel Craig is awesome but let’s stop pretending the Knives Out movies are anything but overrated. 

I’ll promote the hell out of the company if they include automatic turn signals that are active for life and mandatory retrofits. 

That being said, Jeremy seems like a cool dude, like somebody who chops his own firewood. I’d probably hang out with him if we lived closer together.

Nobody has “ownership” over a franchise.

Watch the video, Ruffles

That’s a strange take for a franchise that has close to 30 films. People have been saying that since Connery hung up his martini glass. Skyfall and Casino Royale were two of the most successful films in the franchise. They’ll keep making them and they’ll correct course if things start to go off the rails, like what

WTF are these comments? Have they ever seen his movies or are people just trolling with the millenial “insult”?

Old man yells at new adaptation

Hotz has been living off the fame from his days of tinkering with hardware. His driving automation project was an unmitigated disaster and the size of his ego is only surpassed by Musk. I wouldn’t trust him to program a clock.