Satan's Advocate

That tweet isn’t even an apology. It just sounds like somebody made him put out a statement and he just talks about GoT for some reason.

I never understood why manufacturers didn’t place more attention on just making cars fun AF without obsessing over horsepower. I know numbers sell but still. 

The fact that there’s an entire subreddit that’s very active for mewing is insane to me. A lot of impressionable young people are getting horrible advice, usually from other young people. 

A video would have been icing on the cake for an event like this. So awesome. 

I think that while the Landy would cannibalize SOME 4 Runner sales

I mean, it’s not yelling, “COME DOWN TO TODD HARRISON CHEVROLET!!!” but it’s still trying to sell you a car. 

Isn’t Evil Week supposed to be in October? I don’t think you guys did one this year. 

lol You’re a clown

lol This made my day

Oh, FFS, can people stop with this nonsense? 🤦🏽‍♂️

If someone has $100k+ and their first thought is Corvette, then I should be able to make a citizen’s arrest.

...but you’d still be driving a Corvette

My brother and I were not raised that way and we firmly believe in being equals with our wives

It sure sounds like it when you make a statement like that. There are tons of examples of what you’re describing. Heck, you even mention one with your brother. Maybe you worded it wrong? And the infrastructure issues affect all parents and just people in general, so I’m not sure why they titled it that way. 

Time for men to be as responsible for taking care of children.

the only real way to ensure it is to have a safe and equitable society in which terrorism can find no fertile grounds of disgruntlement in which to take root.

Definitely doesn’t look like a Honda

It always drives me nuts how we try and offload climate responsibility on working consumers.

I kinda did? Wasn’t she super into yoga and holistic bullshit at one point?