Satan's Advocate

“have never killed baby bunnies”

Is that a thing that people do? Beautiful yard, by the way.

Do you mow your lawn?

I think you’re confusing reason with your inability to comprehend sentences. Here you go:

Well, since I was specific with what I said about lawns, I’ll consider your comment to contrast your superpower since it lies in the realm of ignorance. “You know that bush I have there near the corner of my house?” No, I don’t but send me a picture and we’ll go from there.

They’re not prepackaged. You can set it up however you like.

You know ground cover is a thing that exists, right?

Do you use your lawn on a regular basis? Are you using a small amount of county water to maintain your lawn? If so, then what are you complaining about? Those things you listed aren’t all necessary for xeriscaping. They’re simply some of the options available. Please, tell me more about this regular upkeep. Where are

Ground cover requires little to no water when compared to grass lawns.

Here you go:

Ground cover is not the same as grass. And it’s only a big landscaping project if you choose it to be.

If you can’t present a legitimate argument then I don’t know what to tell you

Don’t be so dramatic. You’re acting like it’s a luxury item. Again, there is no one configuration for xeriscaping. Here’s a secret - you don’t have to use mulch. Mind blown. Also, if you read my other post, you’d see that the point is to minimize water use from the county. Since you have the magic drops coming down

For correcting you? That’s a pretty short fuse you got there.

Too bad you didn’t state anything that would contribute to your argument.

“a lawn would be soooooo much less work to maintain than all those pretty beds that would require annual edging then mulching plus regular weeding.”

What are you basing this off of? There is no one xeriscaping layout to make this assumption.

So, you have a lawn which is as much ground cover as grass, needs little

And apparently, you don’t understand context either.

“How much you wanna wager”

As high as you can go.

It would be a blanket statement if I said something like, “anybody who has a lawn is stupid”. However, my exact words were, “The amount of water and energy used to maintain grass that barely gets used is absolutely ridiculous.” So, the only person you’re calling out is yourself because you can’t understand words when

Do you actually use your yard? Cool. You don’t water it? Great. Did you actually understand what I wrote? Doesn’t look like it. Your miscomprehension of what I said and calling my statement ridiculous where I use the word ridiculous is, well even more ridiculous.

This is supposed to be hyperbolic, right?