
I’m sorry, but the Roller in Splatoon is anything but OP. One round, my team had 2 Splattershots (One being me), one Roller, and one Charger (Sniper), and the other team was literally 4 Rollers. It started off very normal, just trying to paint everything, and then I thought, “I wonder if I meet them at their spawn

“Need to stop”? Naw they can do what they want. I suggest you do what you want and not buy. I’m not trying to be a jerk but I’m always seeing people say “blah blah needs to.” Either like it or don’t but don’t demand or be so high to think that something needs to change cause you don’t like it. For the record I could

Dogs, of course.

I’d imagine they will be showing off FFXIV: Heavensward, since the early access for it starts 3 days later.

Don’t worry, there are no individual character stats in MK8, so Isabella can’t possibly be OP since she’ll just be slotted into one of the existing weight slots. Example:

Sgt Hammer is weird for me. She makes me wish I was better as her, because she’s so different. I mean, Hover Mode. That’s a no-brainer talent, right? But siege tanks shouldn’t be able to move, so I don’t pick it.

I think the reason still fits. This world is supposedly significantly larger then xenoblade was even. When you render such an open world it chews resources like you wouldn’t believe. Xenosaga got away with it because they rendered very small sections of a small world at a given time, you had a fixed camera angle, and

In this case I think it’s similar to Watch_Dogs; the game was relevealed way too early, so it gets announced with a Pipedream Trailer that has visuals they hope to achieve... and then when we get closer to release, they realize they can’t get those graphics and have to downgrade.

Because Nintendo is known for graphical monsters... Oh wait. Because announcement trailers always show realistic footage... oh wait again.

My goal is to devolve them into morlocks, so this is a godsend.

The mayor cares about his homeless citizens! Okay, maybe not enough to set up a subsidized work for board program in factories, but enough to give them shade and protection from rain. And all the trash and car noise you could ask for.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Xenoblade was a game that didn’t “wow” me for awhile, but I enjoyed it... but by the time I got to the end, everything finally “clicked” with me and it became my favorite game of all time, dethroning Ocarina of Time after a long and healthy stay at the top.

I bought a wii copy a few months back on the recommendation of a friend, finally got around to playing it. I’m 107 hours in. My opinion has slowly shifted over the course of my playing. I started out thinking “Eh, this is okay. There’s way too many irrelevant sidequests, and the battle banter gets used way to much,

Exactly. The fact that people just love to jump on the “Let’s hate on Other M because the internet told me to” bandwagon make me sick. I find that the people who have actually played the game found it to be fun, exciting and incredibly stylish. An excellent action game, but a sub part Metroid game (based on the story

Nintendo has rules, he did not want to follow the rules, and then ge got busted.

AngryJoe is an idiot and this is his fault. He’s big enough into youtube to know that this would happen to him. In fact, this happened to him before. If he wants to make Nintendo videos, he can either agree to the terms that Nintendo legally is allowed to dictate or create a coalition of like-minded Youtubers to

Agreed, I always thought it would be cool to have different unit portraits/sounds for basic units like Marines and Zealots in male/female versions and they would be randomly presented when you made the unit out of the Barracks/Gateway.

Until the character is released on April 28

Lucas is listed as free. Mii Costumes are 75 cents. Mewtwo is 3.99.