
If Nintendo were to re-add Wolf to the roster I imagine that this is how I’d look to the hypothetical E-Shop employees.


Fire Emblem: Onii-Chan~ Edition

Character models that have feet? This is madness!

Finally! Screw wisdom and courage... I fight with POWER

Amiibos made of yarn.


Did Nintendo figure out a way to make us love DLC? I think they did.

Players who literally can’t even should be able to literally even again.

Finally, we get a city simulator where you don’t have to play offline.

This kind of counts,

Maybe he/she is like me (and many others) who simply are not that in interested in shooters but don’t doubt Splatoon will be fun for those who are interested?


At least she is not T-hawk...

Personally I think the game may have something to do with the fact that the UNSC uncover the fact it was Master Chief who released the Didact in Halo 4 (even though it was unintentional) and now are holding him responsible for the renewed conflict between the UNSC and the Didact Forces/Covenant Remnant. This wouldn't

So where is Halo? Is he in this game?

my favorite game ad campaign of all time is the 117 memorial series. The war vets recalling their encounters with John and the dioramas set up as a museum piece.

So the Spartan-IVs are hunting down Master Chief?

Speculation time!

So I think someone got a hold of the Diadect's technology and used it to attack a human colony. Since Master Chief is the only one completely immune to the weapon, and the only person left alive that knows the extent of the weapons capabilities, blame

I was thinking that there could be a follow up comic of the two Damage Dealers/DPS going like "Well, we tried good run." "Yep. Want to go again?" "Sure!" and then two of them sit there for the next for the next two hours... Because that's pretty much how the rest of that conversation goes.