
Maybe those are the women you travel with? Many of the women I've traveled with have been fine companions. By the same token, I could write similar things about my dad (he wants to stop everywhere and look at sights, eat food or get coffee) or some of my male friends (frequent breaks to piss or get snacks, texting all

Your husband only rolled his eyes because that is the response he thought you wanted! Just kidding just kidding!!!! Cid is a bit clothing impaired. I'm of the mindset, though, that some sexuality, and artistic expression is okay... human emotion, and acceptance varies on all levels. If every female in the game were

Your first paragraph made me laugh so hard.

Man, I was hoping to date Samas.

Because I'm bored, this was a great post, and I had to see it.

That would be the best post fight dialogue ever!

The last time Square-Enix spent a lot of time on graphics, they created an MMORPG that ran into the ground and had to be shut down and remade. That was FF14 1.0, where there were more polygons in a single pot rendering then the character you played. ARR abandoned that sickening need to make things overly beautiful and

Now playing

Now I'm kind of wishing FFXV had remixed versions of the Primal themes from FFXIV.

Is it spherical?

I would explode if that actually happened. Nintendo+Valve=The end of world hunger or something along those lines.

Holy. Shit.
Even the terrain gets wrecked. Please tell me Bahamut is in this so I can blow city-sized holes into the ground

You seen to have forgotten about the DSi and the GBA Micro, late revisions are not new for Nintendo handhelds, also the real announcement of the NX will be next year, thinking it would replace the Wii U is stupid, they already stated that killing it now is not on the plans

It's from a made-up language that uses apostrophes and soft 'C's when romanized.

well ... some people liked the character and games

Yes, so they should hire some more people.

If there's a place out there Coleman has camped there.

I think I might try this, while possibly incorporating the Couple's Mask quest.

My thoughts exactly. I think what Mr. Sang is experiencing is a form of mid-life crisis. lol

I know from experience what it feels like to start loathing the things you once loved.

But I also know from experience, that feeling does pass and it can be replaced by an even deeper love and appreciation for those things