
That’s because you are not a bright person.

“I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon.”

That’s different, he was temporarily terrified because someone THOUGHT there might be a weapon. If he knew there was an active shooter then it is a whole different story and he’d run in unarmed and give that kid the thrashing of a lifetime.

Isn’t this the same guy who cowered in fear during a pre-election campaign speech when someone came within 20 feet of him?

Eliminate it based off of what? Let’s ban semi automatic weapons. Let’s raise the age of purchase to 21. Let’s make it tougher for mentally unstable people to get guns. I am all for that as it will significantly reduce these shootings (unfortunately not eliminate them). But why can’t a decent United States citizen own

Wow, Here’s Chipper Jones with an intelligent, nuanced opinion on....excuse me?...

Huge props to Larry for stepping up here and taking a public stance on this. Us libtards can yell and scream and shake our fists on issues like this all we want, but it will always fall on deaf ears to hardcore 2nd amendment supporters. It’s going to take a major effort from high-profile guys like Chipper, who likely

Maybe it’s because the Internet now allows the entire country to hear about a shooting anywhere in the country literally only minutes after it happens? Not even local news stations had that power in the pre-Internet era. A school shooting could happen in South Dakota and the news would never reach say, Vermont.

Iiiiiiiinnnnteresting. I wonder if Ms Charen is struggling with a sunk cost fallacy. It’s clear her level-headed recognition of GOP hypocrisy surrounding sexual assailants isn’t welcome, not even at a panel expressly about conservative women’s reflections on their place within #MeToo! But she’s also built a name for

And you see, this is what I mean. I’m not used to thinking in this haphazard way.

The follow-up quote, “I just want to understand why Jewish people and black people and Mexican people, why they’re all so horrible,” certainly means something.

Laura, the girl who lost her friends when she came out as “conservative”, shows how the internet has really been instrumental in radicalizing people and bringing horrible people together.

Why shouldn’t these young people have an authoritative position on gun rights? The second leading cause of death among teenagers is homicide.

I can see how one would make the claim that obsession  over gun ownership, paranoia that the government is out to get you and uncontrolled rage would be mental health issues.

Not to mention demonizing the victim’s. I think people are really sick of nonsense false flag and crisis actor garbage, it’s disgusting and people should be ashamed for spreading it.

Now playing

I don’t think it’s demonizing when the NRA is putting this out there:

That’s not an unpopular opinion, just a stupid one.

I don’t entirely disagree with you, but this wound is self-inflicted.

And every single one of those 5 million members is 100% in agreement and behind the current messaging of the NRA... right?

For those who just lost your airline discounts.... you have my thoughts and prayers.