I just watched Hate Thy Neighbor this week. Was very interesting, funny, but uncomfortable. Seems like a very relevant show to watch in these times.
I accidentally clicked on the Cinefamily story or Hazel Cills’ profile at least 20 times over the weekend while using my phone.
she jumped at the chance to stay in orbit
Great show. Just watched it in the last year or two. Felt like it would be much more successful if it was on today during the Game of Thrones/Westworld era.
I’d say her biggest role lately is as a secret service agent on Veep. She’s a deadpan character that makes for some surprisingly funny moments.
Aunti-Vagina Club.
1, 2, and 4 might have been factors in the decision, but 3 is the main one.
Man, dey’re in so much trouble for this.
Do an Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and get the knowledge that it exists erased from your memory.
Every post on Gizmodo Media today seems to be GoT related.........I’m loving it.
Ok, you’re winning me over.In
That’s fair, there has been an emphasis on him making the wrong decisions the last two seasons.
I like that theory but....if he cares about preserving family lines he’s going to stay on the side protecting every family line in the world (aka. the side trying to defeat the dead).
I’m great! I made some big life changes and spent a lot of time away from these comment sections, but am slowly coming back. I think about you all the time as the person that got me into Discworld. I’ve read more than half the series.
Anne! How are you, how have you been? I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve talked.
They do not bone.