I was reluctant to give you a star, but I enjoyed this particular comment.
I was reluctant to give you a star, but I enjoyed this particular comment.
Speaking of disgusting Twinkies, I wonder how good the Deep Fried Twinkies are.
I’m confused. I thought Ailes was advising Trump already.
I had no idea about Gandhi being a wife abuser. After looking it up, I found that he sexually abused his grandnieces as well. My opinion of him will never be the same.
It’s too embarrassing...
If you’re a casual watcher then I can understand. It is weird when you first see it done.
Most races aren’t this close, so they’re not used much. If you watch enough track races, then you’ll see a lot of them.
Well, dives are legal. Many people just don’t think to do it in a tight race. Whoever’s torso crosses the line first wins.
Hope things don’t change too much here after tomorrow :(
I find Kinja overall amusing. I get absolutely disgusted by YouTube comments.
I learned my lesson when an embarrassing video of me got a few million views. The comments on there were brutal.
would rifle through his home and steal his prize antlers
Posting Misfits Gifs will earn you my star every single time.
Obviously BBC called it an ‘Even Bigger Prize’ because her husband will be the person responsible for her winning Gold in the next Olympics.......
I think it is another way of her showing the irony of this experience. She’s showing how ridiculous it is that there is a picture of breasts on the wall, yet for some reason she is expected to “cover up” when breastfeeding.
Why would I try to explain the difference when I basically said that they were the same thing. I responded to someone who was mad because they were spoiled while checking regular news. That’s what news media is for, to report the news.