
If we are discussing jewels, can we talk about this gem?

This sounds familiar...

I don’t care how evil someone is, eating the crust is mandatory.

“That’s not a Senior Week blog post,” sniffed managing editor Kate Dries, when I asked if I could write this post. “It’s just a regular post for you.”

I’m rooting for Manny.

as mysterious as the prehistoric origins of Tilda Swinton

Can’t he post a photo of his view from the end Titanic or something?

I retract my statement.

“Donald said it, so it must be true. I’m going to clap for every statement he makes.”

This seems like a good place for Ron Swanson quotes.

I still care about Knocked Up. Maybe I’m old and lame, but I still do this dance move while yelling “Rolling the dice!” for my own amusement.

Yes, and I regret it.

I couldn’t think of an appropriate necklace joke, so I’m just going to post this GIF.

MSNBC’s Kate Snow told Pierson she was “speechless, trying to follow your logic.”

I must be pretty bored as well, because I am enjoying our interactions way too much.

You are in for a treat!

She was born Canada...