
I couldn’t think of an appropriate necklace joke, so I’m just going to post this GIF.

MSNBC’s Kate Snow told Pierson she was “speechless, trying to follow your logic.”

I must be pretty bored as well, because I am enjoying our interactions way too much.

You are in for a treat!

She was born Canada...

I completely agree with you. If you have a major problem going on, then there is definitely a chance of having a bad trip (I’ve had many of them).

I’M DOING THE SAME THING. (I clicked on your profile so I could follow you, and you followed me at that exact same time!)

*Spoiler Alert*

I got Band too. “I have no idea what is going on" is my life in a nutshell.

I don’t need to take the quiz. I’m a screw-up in real life, so I know who I am.

There probably won’t be a sequel.

*Cargo shorts

I’m sticking with New Girl gifs today.

Lol. At least she was able to say “penis”.

If you do it around people you trust and are comfortable with then you should be fine. I’ve done it around strangers, and I felt like they were constantly judging me.

On one hand I don’t want to encourage you to trip, on the other I think it’s a good experience.

For real...

Can we have a New Girl GIF party?