
After someone pointed it out, I can’t stop thinking about how much he looks like Jed Rees when he squints.

These guys are on the case.

I can’t hear Michael Bolton without thinking of Office Space.

All the Robin Sparkles episodes are the best. We wouldn’t have gotten the Slap Bet without them.

To be fair...

Now playing

I still think about this whenever I hear news about her.

I would still like to hear that joke.

“He said Dada today, three times!”

Because the worst punishment is having to compete at the Rio games? Sure, possible.

Even with all the press, I still have no desire to watch the WNBA. I enjoy most women’s sports, but basketball is one I don't.

It really is. I was friends with the guy’s grandchildren in high school. It was awkward when I found out what their grandfather did.

This reminds me so much of this story from my hometown.

I’m sure David Allan Coe wouldn’t mind either.

contractually obligated to pretend like they wanted to fuck you, so you might as well live the dream and be comfortable???

Nothing exists until a Trump says it exists.

I couldn’t find a single piece of information I hated the most to quote. I was disgusted by every single bit of it.