
I was hoping I’d find you here.

Please focus on the positive aspects of YOUR life because you’ve earned a great one

Agreed. Crimes committed at these schools are still subject to state and federal laws, they shouldn’t be allowed to decide punishments for offenders.

I was wondering the same thing yesterday in regards to Joe Paterno (if he was still alive) and Penn State.

“You did a great service for Chudi, because you gave him an opportunity to express his regret and to take responsibility for what he had done”

That’s the best kind!


That I should have been swallowed

NBC is just worried about a Budd Dwyer situation.


Your ability to stay calm is inspiring.

As someone who suffers from depression, and is also Bipolar...this is my favorite comment of the year.

I love it, can’t believe I waited so long to watch. I have 4 episodes left, and don’t know what to do with my life after I’m done.

I get what you’re saying, but hispanics would only cover those of Spanish descent. Latin descent would be alright I think.

I should have learned my lesson by now, but...

At least his hands are the size of a normal 9 year old’s.

That’s what my initial thought was. Wasn’t sure if it could be considered harboring a criminal.

Serious question for those more familiar with law. If Paterno was still alive, could charges be brought against him for his mishandling of the accusations?

Much like a nightmare version of Tom Hanks in Big