
That picture proves there is such a thing as being too tan.

“Don’t look him in the eyes, he’ll think you like him."

The best part is the woman who he is standing behind who does not give one shit that he’s there.

But there are more illegal Mexican immigrants that are leaving here than are coming here in any given year, why would we build a wall that’s effectively stopping them from leaving?

Good point, I guess they want us to emphasize with them. It might just be too hard for writers to give AI a personality that is neutral. I’m trying to think of how it would act, and I’m stumped.

I’d imagine it is the same reason GPS uses male and female voices. Having genders gives them a more human element, making us more comfortable while interacting with them.

I’m so glad someone else has a problem with that. Maybe the show runners realized the Harrenhal method would cause problems story wise down the line and changed it.

It’s be an Oedipus complex move to marry a girl with the same name as his mother. I’m completely fine with that scenario though.

If there’s a silver lining, it’s that some construction workers were getting paychecks to build this. Paychecks that subsequently had taxes taken out to pay for this waste of space.

Its definitely a loose end. I can imagine it not being resolved. It would be interesting if they actually turned out to be young versions of some major characters, like Lady Olenna or something.

I felt like them not letting us hear Lyanna’s words is so it will be a touching moment when Bran actually repeats the words to Jon. My big question is how are they going to prove Jon’s parentage to the kingdom. Holland Reed knows so the main bet is Bran and Meera have to meet up with him, but now we know that there

He didn’t have an undead horse. He rode a moose, right? Didn’t he also have some power over ravens?

I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought this. With everything that happened I didn’t want to be the guy that said “Did you see her dress!"

I thought that was just a story Bran told when they were camping in an old castle. That they broke the rules of killing someone in their house after he had been served food. So then the Lord was served his son in a pie. And the cook turned into a big rat or something. I know they repeat it on the show in one of the

Sadly it still pops up on here now and then, luckily they are promptly told how big of assholes they are.

So the government is fighting violence by attacking the peaceful protestors and not those making threats of violence. There is something very familiar about this.

It’s an article about a cute otter eating. Please don’t make this into a political debate. We have enough of that.

We came here for cuteness, not a science lesson.

as well as your utmost respect and privacy