
I never even thought about the different ethnicities on the boxes, good on them. Yeah, I did boy scouts and it was a complete waste of time. Doesn’t selling cookies teach some valuable lessons things like business skills, responsibility, etc.? Every time I see them with a table set up I think how I would have been way

ehh, I know you can buy the same cookies at a grocery store. There’s just something about buying girl scout cookies, I don’t know why, but they just taste better. Also it feels good to put a smile on those girls’ faces when you say “Yes, I would like 10 boxes of Thin Mints.”

But then we don’t get cookies in return! I’d donate to Trump if he gave me cookies.

Don’t they understand they need a certain weight to trip the drive-thru sensor? Oh wait.

Darren Rovell, only for the fact that he doesn’t know when to use “an” vs “a".

Agreed, what if I get separated from my friends? What if there is a family emergency and someone needs to get ahold of me?

I’m okay that we lost...

As someone who has been the giver and receiver of obnoxious criticism. I can testify that a calm and collected response is the best response. A professional response will upset the critic much more than any kind of insult.

Yes, yes, yes!!! I was just going to tell them to “fuck off” or “don’t be that guy”. You did it better. If 10 murders is bad, does that make 1 murder better? No, just accept that they are all tragedies.

Is it too late to add her as a nominee for the “Best Sports Baby” award?

Haha, if you’re proud of her, listen to. She had to raise me because my single mom was busy getting 3 masters degrees. The last one completed when she was in her 60's. So I was exposed to what women are capable of.

Same with my sister. Valedictorian, and currently a surgeon, but didn’t have high school standards of “hot”. It’s easy to speak up with my size and best friend who was 6' 10". Still, I know how most guys are. That’s why I’ve always had more female than male friends.

That confused me as well. I won’t go into too many details, but I was asked to testify as a character witness that I had seen the Plaintiff heavily intoxicated on numerous occasions, and describe what he behaved like while intoxicated.

That’s the only thing I could think of. Just a really, really pathetic pick-up line. If that is his best line, in a way I understand why he had to resort to rape. No girl with any sense would fall for that.

I was a quiet kid in middle school, who was basically raised by my sister and her friends, and had to listen to fellow boys say things like this. By the time I got to high school, I was one of the bigger guys in the school and had no problem telling guys like this how offensive they sounded. Unfortunately, there’s

That really is the only way to describe what he said. The words of a 7th grade fuckwit. I can almost give a pass to middle-school boys. To a college guy? Not so much.

Now this takes me back to high school days.

Brock would make comments to the women such as ‘I can see your tits in that swimsuit,’

Maybe they could extend this to anything related to the Zika virus. I’m tired of seeing that mosquito.