Professor Xavier is pretty cool though...
Professor Xavier is pretty cool though...
I was excited to watch and see Cleveland come close but miss out on another championship, but this is just sad.
Its my understanding that Philly has the mentality of “If you ain’t first you’re last.” So they are last quite often.
Of course he shouldn’t take people saying “You Suck!” personal. It’s obviously directed at the whole team.
I just can’t believe he’s allowed to wear a hat at all. My school’s dress code didn’t allow any hats to be worn. We had special “Hat Days” ever couple months where you paid a dollar to wear a hat for the day, and the money would go to a good cause.
What this there was something like a tilde that you could just put over any letter you want to repeat.
He wouldn’t survive if he tried to open his business today because of stores like Home Depot, where he owes his fortune to, that make it almost impossible for small time hardware stores to stay open.
I realize. Poorly executed attempt had a joke on my part.
Literally has one job, to follow the ball.
If there’s anything that should have some common decency, it should be escort services. What has the world come to!?!
It took 7 couples to pay for this?
Are you talking about Gawker and Trump, or Deadspin and the UFC? I’m confused.
Never knew that he died, I will now be in mourning all weekend.
“Netflix and Chillary?”
Know what my nightmares are gonna be about tonight.
I’ve got Planet Earth on Blu-ray and a 4k TV. Zoos aren’t necessary.
Once a rapist, always a rapist.
These parents must have just seen Joe Dirt for the first time.
I wonder how many dyslexic suicides were meant to have a murder first.
Not as bad as the Patriots using the name of a region spreading across several states.