
I just want to see the math of him being 55% white. I also somewhat see your reasoning...someone of a different race made the U.S. more racist because if there were no other races there would be no racists. It is the reasoning of pieces of shit burbut technically still reasoning.

I think it was based more on inconclusive evidence to overturn call on the ice. From that angle it can create the illusion of being over because of ice on top of paint.

Everyone knows retweeting is just letting that person know you’re DTF

I’ve been ashamed of my profuse sweating my entire life and have tried to hide (poorly) my sweat. This article has given me so much hope in life. Knowing I’m not alone in above average sweating is huge.

This deserves so much appreciation.

We all did dumb shit when we were 21, but we didn’t go to North Korea to do it.

Another case of a man thinking it’s OK for them to grope women in public.

Is the same dance that Gay was flagged for a few weeks ago that spawned an article? I think it is.

Doesn’t a “standing ovation” require people to actually stand?

Seems like there needs to be a Fight Committee to determine what is or isn’t a fight. This is probably the latter.

Knowing that there are way bigger Star Wars than me really helps my self-confidence

You’re right, somehow it slipped my mind. Or maybe it was a missing part of my Star Wars knowledge

The line was actually “It’s the motivator”. I remember thinking how odd it was to have a part named the “ motivator”.

I don’t know which is worse: The fact that Favre drowned a deer or Brunell thinking this is “one of the funniest stories” he’s ever heard.

Unbelievable, I guess his heart just isn’t in the game.

At least Deandre’s free throw shooting has gotten better...

Doctor: Who is this?

Doctor’s also report that he was able to remember to “Pass it to Kobe.”

“You did this Tim.”

At last he knows that Tebow carried that 2011-12 Bronco’s team.