Dr. Waffle

I'm not sure why superhero movies do this so often. Like, why kill off Sabretooth in the first X-Men movie? He could have been a foil for Wolverine throughout the entire series. Same for Green Goblin in Raimi's Spidey movies.

Damn, I was hoping he'd be cast as Bullseye on "Daredevil."

Timothy Olyphant

Definitely going to die: Vision, Iron Man, Hulk

I thought Hickman did a good job with him as well. Otherwise, yeah, he's been generally hit-or-miss.

I read somewhere that the Soul Stone is in Wakanda. And apparently Ebony Maw will be the one who'll get the Time Stone from Strange. I'll be interested to see how it all goes down.

I prefer serious movies, where the characters dress up like cowboys or detectives. So much more adult.

Yeah, I was referring more to the comics than the movies. Although a black Peter Parker would be kinda cool, now that you mention it haha

Believable: teenager bitten by radioactive spider develops superpowers

God forbid we deviate a little from the "white dudes save the world (again)" formula!

White people really are the fucking worst. Getting angry over a black Captain America or a female Thor or a biracial Spider-Man is the height of racist stupidity.

He better be the next Cap, if Chris Evans retires from the role. I like Sebastian Stan and all, but he's no Anthony Mackie.

I'm kinda surprised they didn't do a Secret Avengers movie in between Civil War and Infinity War. Have Cap and company fight AIM (Peter Dinklage as MODOK, anyone?) or something while on the run from Thunderbolt Ross.

Same. It's probably too late, but Michael Shannon would have been perfect as Corvus Glaive.

Say what you want about the MCU, but the casting has been on point, with very few exceptions (*ahem* Mickey Rourke and Christopher Eccleston).

I'll probably get shit for this, but I still think "Civil War" is the best superhero movie ever made (with "Logan" a close number two (tee-hee)).

Also: after "Civil War" I have complete faith in the Russos.

Eh, Thanos needs henchmen, and the Black Order are pretty fucking awesome.

Rumor has it that Corvus Glaive and the Black Order will be apppearing in "Infinity War." I'm hoping the Russo brothers also include this moment from Jonathan Hickman's "Avengers" run, in which Thanos taunts Thor: https://static.comicvine.co…

I can't believe I'm going to be one some day : ( :( :(