Dr. Waffle

Seriously: pretty much any aggressiveness on the part of modern-day protestors can't even began to compare to that of activists in previous generations. Some times it's warranted, other times it's not; but the baby shouldn't be thrown out with the bathwater.

"I just find it amusing that those who find PC culture so terrifying and implacable are themselves typically overly sensitive and unable to process or engage with criticism." - Me

There's nothing more misunderstood these days then the concept of "free speech." The First Amendment is not unlimited, and it does not protect one from criticism or the social consequences of one's speech. Also, it seems as though actual threats to free speech are often ignored by those who are typically eager to

Man, it's a good thing you weren't alive during previous eras of social unrest. Anti-war protestors used to burn down ROTC buildings, suffragettes used to throw bricks through windows, and union members used to get into gun battles with the Pinkertons. You'd basically need a fainting couch on hand at all times.

It seems as though you're carrying on a conversation with yourself, and I hesitate to interrupt, though I will say that as much as I respect Fey, Colbert, and Schumer, they should really learn to develop thicker skin if they find powerless Internet writers and commenters a threat. The "Internet offense police" have a

The only thing more annoying than political correctness is people who whine about political correctness. Tina Fey is great, but no one owes her complete and utter deference.

The ACA is a mess . . . that has provided millions of Americans with health insurance and probably saved thousands of lives. You can complain all you like about its flaws, but it's had real, tangible benefits for many, many people (including friends and family members of mine).

Well, that's because the 2016 Election is truly a zero-sum game. I would vote for a bag of hammers in order to keep whoever the GOP nominates out of power.

Sure. That's not a dealbreaker, not in 2016, anyway. I'll happily accept some corruption in exchange for keeping the ACA intact and preventing the Supreme Court from being completely dominated by conservative justices.

I love this movie.

You know she was ranked the 11th-most liberal Senator during her time in office, right? Which placed her to the left of Kerry, Biden, and Leahy? This idea that she's some sort of stealth conservative is absurd. She's not her husband, and it's not 1996 anymore.

Yeah you're probably right, though you would think "Dr. Strange" staying true to its roots wouldn't be that big of a deal. I mean, we already have aliens, a talking raccoon, an anthropomorphic tree, an invincible rage monster, a super soldier who survived 60 years frozen in ice, a blind guy who beats up criminals,

Right, I'm not saying that comic Asgard is completely devoid of any sci-fi elements; I just think the movies have gone a little overboard in emphasizing them. I'm hoping the same doesn't happen with "Dr. Strange." It's okay to have some weird, unexplainable, mystical stuff alongside the sci-fi.

Meh. The comics definitely play up the fantasy element more than the movies do.

I hate the whole "Asgardians are actually aliens" and "magic is actually advanced technology" nonsense. The "Thor" movies should have been the MCU's "Lord of the Rings," instead of whatever it is they are now.


How many terror suspects have been droned who were living in countries where the U.S. could either arrest or extradite them?