
The Vita was a victim of its own power. It truly was capable of a “Console Quality Experience”. But that came at a cost of console quality budgets. It is really messed up that Sony dropped it so fast, but they went hard that first year. Nearly 3 dozen first party titles (if you count physical and digital). They must

I’m guessing it’s a non-exclusive license like the NBA license.

It seems a little weird that the NEA has decided that a German Jew active during WWII is a major threat to “diversity,” particularly given that there’s been nothing from them on Roald Dahl’s virulent antisemitism as far as I can find.

I couldn’t stand Trump and I’m not expecting hard hitting political journalist from Kotaku, so nothing against this article or anything. (I know it’s just in good fun) But this is such a great example of what the next 4 years in the media is going to look like for Biden.

Well, while talking with Metro UK, CD Projekt Red level designer Max Pears assured the publication that the game will look as good on a PS4 as it did on the £2,000+ PC running the demo build. “It’s still going to look as good as that,” said Pears referring to the PC version of Cyberpunk.” 

I feel like I am the only one who isn’t worried about the storage on my PS5 or Series X. I just delete games that I’ve beat and have no intention of playing anytime soon, or even ever again. I went all of last gen with the base HDD’s.

Well, now, this is interesting.

I’m all about it, unless it gets wrapped up into another $20 streaming service. CR has always been great for me because I got exactly what I wanted, and paid for exactly that and nothing more. I really don’t want to pay for another HBO/ Disney plus/ peacock (etc etc etc) which this feels like it might become.

C’mon. They’re not Google.

It’s actually Dr Pepper. And if you are drinking a RC Cola, you must have a Moon Pie with it. That’s the law.

The wishlist is the quickest way I check to see if any of the games I am interested are on any given sale. Sheesh Sony, its not like that is a hard feature to keep/implement on your store front.

I get ditching PS3/PSP/Vita stuff at this point, but getting rid of the Wishlist straight up sucks and doesn’t make any sense.

Culd you use an ice cream sandwich as both cake and ice cream layer? 

Rick & Morty is cynical nonsense. The Venture Brothers actually had something to say.

Yep. An appliance repair specialist told me very firmly to never! ever! use the self-cleaning function.

And remember to mask during your combat. I know you want to kill them, but you don’t want to spread coronavirus.

Should have left it, but added an audio clip of “Black Lives Matter” every time it’s used.

Exactly. We’re going to let racists dictate our very vernacular by simply making things go viral. And we’re going to talk ourselves into the idea that we’re “winning” a war on hate by doing so all while those racists laugh their asses off at how easily society can be manipulated, now.

So you’re basically giving a bunch of racist pricks the power to determine the symbols or gestures that are acceptable and unacceptable in society? I don’t see how that could possibly go wrong... Maybe they should also co-opt the thumbs up, the fist in the air, the peace sign, and every other innocuous gesture we use

So WW II was pointless? Everyone should have just let Hitler run until he got tired?