
Fine, I’ll stop saying anything that remotely sounds like something nice to children. It’s back to kicking puppies and showing up drunk to gender reveal parties. I’m not allowed to assume genders anymore so if I’m blackout drunk at them, I won’t remember anyways right? 

I’m embarrassed that this happen in my town....

South Carolina ordered an evacuation WAY in advance. I held off til the 11PM Wednesday update and by then the thing wasn’t going to really affect Charleston so I stayed. While I understand why they did the order so early, the real problem will be next time they call for one no one will heed the warning til it’s the

I will definitely try these as I have a weird love for Uncrustables as well. 

Meh, I didn’t look at it as a petty rivalry. More like a guy who knew what was up.

I was thinking of shots that people asked for over the years that I didn’t understand. The warm Grandma was gross, the guy ended up yakking all over the bar. Not my favorite memory but also still funny.

No, we board up and act like the cast of 300 while getting ripped on booze. Or we decide to leave at the 11th hour, that might be me.

It’s not as big as it used to be, but at it’s height it was considered the bartenders handshake. Nowadays, its Jamo, Ruppie, or Fernets. You want to wonder why we shoot Grandma, then seriously question us shooting Fernets like it’s going out of style.

A completely true story! The end of it is the kicker though, the owner called his regional rep and said to give Charleston bars the cheapest bottle rate they could while still making money. That’s why Grandma is like $4/5 a shot around here. 

Gin, apple pucker, and cherry juice.

I was in Asheville years ago and asked the bartender to just set the Grand Marnier bottle in front of me and a friend and we’ll use the plastic shot cups to figure out the tab. He just handed us the bottle and said, “Only Charleston people drink this shit, I’m charging you both $30 for the bottle.”

Trying to be the Gordon Ramsey of The Takeout?

Do you think that maybe it’s now just a running joke between him and the McCarron family? 

I usually just laugh it off. Sort of how I did with your ignorant as hell Dylan Roof argument.

I live on the east coast, so it’s a nice change of pace eating there as someone from the land of Chikfila. But you’re right In and Out doesn’t hold a candle to Whataburger.

I was in Reno this week, this weird boycott was going on and let me tell you what I did. I ate all the In and Out, it was the tastiest rebellion I’ve even committed.

I get it, I guess? What I don’t understand is the way the country is divided that there is outrage over where a company decides to put their money. 

They obviously didn’t fight hard enough, those animal crackers are still in a cardboard cage. 

Every time this happens I have mixed feelings. On one hand yes these need to come down. On the other hand I don’t think we should be applauding people for tearing down any of these statues during protests. Clearly UNC had a plan in place to move it, it just wasn’t happening fast enough because, North Carolina. Just my

You do you, she looks to be having the time of her life eating all that beautiful meat.