  • First of all, what is your favorite grocery store? Harris Teeter for fruit, veg, and meat. Everything else I go to a Bilo.

Well said. Especially love the Confederate Flag analogy.  

So this is what a conspiracy theory looks like when posted on Lifehacker.

Guess Hanibal was right?

I don’t know the answer, but I’m sure I can figure it out by drinking to the bottom of this case of High Life. If not, then definitely the case after. I’ll cya when I come back up for air.  

  • What is your favorite kind of crust? Either a good chew, like a pan pizza. Or a crispy thin crust.

You’re missing out on the Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp!

I said that to everyone in my house and no one saw it, rewound it just so they could see it. All the laughs.

The show has has great years and bad years. Lately it’s been pretty decent.

High Life all day every day! I haven’t seen a MGD in the wild in years.

Highlife out of a bottle is a dream but Banquet beer from a bottle is fucking disgusting. That’s all I have to add to this discussion.

Sure are a lot of TBA or Not Yet Announced as far as where to watch. But this is a stacked season.

I do believe his dad beat his ass at home. To many a southern father that’s more of a past time than Braves baseball or even college football.

(2) give your card back to you when you open a tab

Dad used to make this for us for breakfast. I still make it from time to time at home but with strawberry jam. No one has time for grape jelly, and if they do clearly they’re heathans.  

I’ve always felt like the 3 Far Cry’s have had some sort of political feeling to them. Freeing people from oppression and such, you know? So I’m not understanding you’re fear of politics. But I do see where you reconsidered later on down the line, awesome!

My county’s school had a half day so the walk out was kind of funny considering the schools were letting out right then anyways. Wasn’t planned that way just sort of happened. I’m glad these kids are getting behind this but I do hope that it’s not just mob mentality and these kids have their head and heart in the

Let’s hope it’s not another timed exclusive.

College of Charleston practically played a home game in the CAA Tournament. For these mid-major schools it’s just a part of the life.

Is that Mark Henry announcing?