I get the oyster thing. We get briney clusters here, and that’s what I grew up on. To me anything else just isn’t right.
I get the oyster thing. We get briney clusters here, and that’s what I grew up on. To me anything else just isn’t right.
I think it’s a matter of what you’re looking for in a phone and if you use other Apple products.
Being from South Carolina I’ve never been able to try this beer, I like a lot of their brews though. My folks are close with the owners of the brewery and I still haven’t been lucky enough to drink it. One day for sure though.
I ordered it, was supposed to be at my door yesterday. I think it’s in Florida somewhere, I’m in South Carolina. Now I might get it Thursday. I’m pretty bummed I’ll have to wait till then to slaughter the Nazis.
I ordered it, was supposed to be at my door yesterday. I think it’s in Florida somewhere, I’m in South Carolina. Now…
Put some OVO in a non stick pan and heat up that way. The crust will crisp up and you’ll get everything else heated through as well. Trust me it’s worth it.
I miss Firestone Walker beer. Always the first bottles I grab when I’m on the West Coast.
Yeah, I noticed that. Looking forward to catching up on his stuff right now.
He keeps moving, last I knew he was on Thrillist then I never heard about where he ended up.
Ban everything, there now Ban Week is through.
It’s a mini BCO without our favorite friend running the show...
Damn that blows, they’ve already announced the Clemson/S. Carolina game. I was actually expecting them to give it the 7 day period, but nope 7:30 on ESPN. Which I was hoping for. I want everyone, including myself liquored up and ready to yell.
Uhhhh, I’m pretty sure that wasn’t his intent.
Yeah, I’m a South Carolina fan that goes to a lot of home games so I end up watching West Coast games when I get home. So yes, the Pac 12 is my 2nd favorite conference.
Mannnnnn, I get what you’re saying about the NCAA but they’re not playing these huge marquee match ups Monday through Friday. While if the NFL put a game on Saturday it’s a big game no matter what because it’s the NFL.
I just got a visual of you and your dog sharing a Hungry Man turkey dinner for Thanksgiving.
I realize this is satire, and I applaud you for it. But, there’s a reason the third verse isn’t used, known, or taught. At this point just delete it and move on, that should be fine, right?
Damn, did your family not hug you enough or something?
I just don’t handle things the way that other people do, sorry if that disappoints you. Thanks for the conversation.
Well, I can’t help you there. That’s how I feel about it.
We all handle and process our poor decisions differently.