Orlando is a mark city? I live here, and I'm not sure that's true.
Orlando is a mark city? I live here, and I'm not sure that's true.
Didn't Shawn Michaels repeat win in the mid-90s?
I liked Legend of the Seeker.
I legitimately love that album.
Well, I'll be there this year, and if it's as trash as it looks more and more like it's going to be, I'll be, if not booing, than at least very, very quiet the whole time.
Well the Warriors book and movie have a whole lot of differences between them.
We can do both.
Yeah, there were a few comics I really like that I don't mind not being on the list, but no WicDiv seems utterly baffling, particularly since the whole "Wildly out-there concept + great art + interesting twists + non-Big 2 comic" thing seems like it SHOULD be right up their alley.
Oh, we have to assume that there will be paid DLC for that, since not having it would basically be Square saying "We don't like money."
I've only ever been twice, both times because a friend of a friend, who works at Full Sail and apparently gets comps to each taping, had prior couldn't make it and gave us his comp seats.
Like I mentioned above, I was at the taping, and the big problem seems to be that there are hardly any faces in the women's division, and there are like 457 mid-card heel characters(and mild spoiler: at the taping, they repackaged someone else as ANOTHER mid-card heel act).
She's very, very bad. Bayley clearly worked really hard to cover for her, but everything Eva does is about half-speed and incredibly sloppy. And like I said: she badly missed a running senton, by what looked like a foot, on an opponent who wasn't moving.
Yeah, that guy was pretty visible from where we were sitting(the other side, about 2/3 of the way up), and it was a much better way of protesting than that one group about halfway up the stands behind him who just wouldn't shut up the entire time.
I actually got to go to that taping!
I really like the general thematic idea behind Demonic Pact, particularly as far as what it means in Lilliana's "journey."
Thank you, Anna Morris, for that quality repping of where I spent my 15-18 years, Dr. Phillips High School.
I'm not sure how much glory there is being listed in that Spin Article, that inexplicably includes Skrillex as a guitarist.
"I have no power over bears! They're godless killing machines!"
Yeah, I didn't word that post very well. I meant to say that even if we acknowledge that movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America 2 or The Lego Movie wouldn't make the list because of their blockbuster status, the exclusion of those 2 films, which weren't blockbusters, seems odd.
Even acknowledging the pseudo-bias against big blockbusters, the exclusion of Snowpiercer and Birdman seems incredibly strange.