Drunk Librarian

So you want to talk about black women while excluding all other women of color. And then you want to talk about all the ways in which white women are oppressing black women, without even touching upon the myriad ways that we are all working TOGETHER to combat racial and gender injustices?

Landscape would be really dumb here. You are capturing a ski lift, which is almost entirely vertical in orientation.

I was gonna say, is FastPass available for this ride?

It’s used once in ESB. It’s used dozens and dozens of times in the prequels.

We won by less than a percent, which technically falls under the margin of error.

This! Elect actual liberals in places they can win, and elect more moderate democrats in places where actual liberals cannot win.

Conservative Democrats getting elected in conservative districts where previously there were ultra-conservative (or just radical) Republicans is still a win. Voting with you sometimes is better than voting with you never.


My go-to old-man complaint is outdoor cats.

Black people created every form of American music

Also, if you don’t want a child to have a toy, do not let them see it.

No, I wanted a PEBL, not a Pebble.

From the Hartford Courant article:

To be fair, most of her tax dollars do go to pay for defense. So you could see why she’d be a little upset with the Seahawks lately.

White lady who smokes and drives an SUV is a large pool to pare down.

If anything, the people of Renton are known for their nuanced but racist understanding of Washington State tax law.

And I’m sure that’s exactly what she was trying to say in between her Pall Mall-tainted spittle attacks.

You realize that’s the exact defense being used in gay wedding cake case?

...have you been on a dating app recently? As a woman? In the South? Becauuuuuuse, well, I’m not quite sure how to put this:

I have to disagree with you here. I cancelled my membership at my old gym specifically because of this. While using the treadmill closest to the front counter, I could hear every comment that employees were making about the overweight members who came through the door. Things like “Why does he even bother?” and making