Drunk Librarian

This is a good point. And I find digging into the political and lobbyist contributions of the CEOs of these major corporations (even ones you think of as super chill like REI) is rather depressing because pretty much everyone is donating to Republican issues and candidates and that’s why they have the power they do.


Can you explain how repeal of Hatch-Waxman would kill the snake oil industry? Wikipedia and some quick googling lead me to believe the law mostly had to do with patents and an improvement in the speed of bringing generics to market, not with FDA regulation of supplements.

how on earth did you come to the conclusion that brisket is Midwestern thing? It’s a Texas thing.

If listening to Def Leppard and Poison and Journey makes me a dad, well, that might require some explaining to my husband but SO BE IT.

Yea but, Nickelback (I actually don’t mind them but they are THE trendy shit-on band).

Regarding the look the guy received from Perrine, I say fuck it. If I read/comprehend correctly, she was lying on her back, ON A TABLE, with her legs spread apart. No?

I was in Puerto Rico for a wedding last year and had the same experience. Fortunately for everyone I only had to bust out my 90s vintage High School Spanish a couple of times, it seemed like everyone under fifty or so spoke English fluently.

Puerto Rico was nice. I’m glad I saw it before Poseidon dragged it into his

Hmmm, the email said “three languages” rather than “three MORE languages” so it would really be hilarious if Drew woke up one day with no goddamn clue what his kids were saying because he suddenly didn’t speak English anymore.

Josue, I have a suggestion as to how to get your kids to start using utensils. Start giving them all their food as it’s still absolutely piping hot. At dinner, take their plates and microwave the food every couple of minutes to keep it from cooling. You better believe after they burn their fingers a few times, they’ll

Fuck you. I hope your house burns down.

I’m about as libertarian and self-reliant as you can get... but I can still emphasize with folks who get a series of bad breaks.

Ah, I criticized, so I’m a deadbeat tenant. No, I’m the lawyer that helped people that lived without heat, with roaches and often with constant landlord harassment. And I saw landlords bill for the same “damages” and keep security deposits on successive tenant after tenant.

I don’t even remember what random comment you’re rage-responding to, but I’m certainly enjoying as you become more unhinged by the second.

Haha, okay, real quick: as someone who lives fairly comfortable, who has never missed a meal or a bill payment in their life, who is likely in the same socio-economic bracket as you and who displays the kind of “responsibility” that you extol:

For suggesting that a reasonable adult should put their child up for

Right, and they probably sold that balance for pennies on the dollar, an amount I’m sure they also could have gotten from Mr. Hasty in exchange for denying him future services and not having to call him anymore.

Ah, I have criticized the great bourgeoisie so clearly I am a member of the unwashed proletariat without a clue about living in your rarified air.

Tom McMillen has done plenty. He had an 11-year NBA career. He was a Rhodes Scholar. He was a congressman. But, 46 years later, he’s still rankled by the absolute theft of the 1972 Olympic gold medal basketball game by the USSR, one of the biggest injustices in Olympic history.

ah, “former landlord.” So someone that profited from not fixing but collecting the rent, then complaining about wear and tear to not give the deposit back.

So if you’re poor..... don’t be poor?

I guess Canada just didn’t have the stones today.