
This is so moving, heartbreaking, enraging. I am almost 60. I came of age during what was supposedly the height of “women’s lib”. I believed, as many others did, that things would be so much different, easier, better, for our daughters. Clearly they are not.

What irresponsible, trashy journalism from both HuffPo (not surprising, Yashar Ali is an attention-seeking opportunist) and Jezebel. If you actually examine the contract, which this article lazily chose not to do, you would see exactly where Chalamet and his lawyers might think he is not allowed to criticize Allen and

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

I think I figured out why Time labeling Taylor Swift as one of the whistle blowers is so goddamn annoying.

[sonorous fart noise]

No and shut the fuck up with that garbage. Her being the daughter of a senator doesn’t have anything to do with her being a successful comedian. You don’t get to rob her of her professional accomplishments by attributing it to some dude in her life. And the wage gap exists for women at all income brackets and

Women seeking attention? How unseemly. One might even say unladylike.